
The National Library and Archives Honors Winners of the 13th edition of the Young Historian Award which witnessed a 20% turnout increase

The National Library and Archives Honors Winners of the 13th edition of the Young Historian Award which witnessed a 20% turnout increase 

The National Library and Archives honored the winning Young Historian Award students in its thirteenth edition, organized under the slogan “2023 the Year of Sustainability in the UAE "Today for Tomorrow".
His Excellency the Director General, Abdulla Majed Al Ali, opened the hon-oring ceremony at the National Library and Archives’ HQ, with a speech in which he stressed that, over the past years, the award has successfully pro-moted scientific research among students, motivated them to take interest in the history and heritage of the United Arab Emirates, and urged them to de-velop their research, criticism and analytic skills, pointing out that the Na-tional Library and Archives sponsored the Young Historian editions in col-laboration with the Emirates Education Foundation, as they always offer new ideas that match our wise leadership’s national values, objectives and concepts.
His Excellency also stressed that "Sustainability in the UAE" has enriched this edition of the Young Historian Award which attracted fifth to eighth grade students.
His Excellency urged students to participate in this award, which promotes the   values of loyalty and belonging to the nation and its wise leadership, and congratulated the winners and participants wishing them further pro-gress and success. 
Dr. Aisha Bilkhair, Research Advisor at the  National Library and Archives, Vice Chairman of the  Organizing Committee, delivered a speech  in  which she said: "The Young Historian Award aims  at strengthening the values of loyalty and belonging to the nation and its leadership, instilling national identity in students, raising their historical awareness, enhancing their re-search, criticism and analytic skills, encouraging them to preserve the UAE history and heritage, and instilling the values of tolerance and civilizational dialogue as key pillars following the footsteps of the founding builder, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan through the next 50 years.
She pointed out that the National Library and Archives award organizing committee added in the 13th edition themes that reveal new areas in the submitted written works on the history and heritage of the UAE, which en-hance students’ historical research skills, and enrich libraries and cultural circles. 
She appreciated the efforts of the participants in the current Young Histori-an Award and congratulated its winning students and supervisors.
It is noteworthy that the Young Historian Award achieved in its thirteenth edition, a 20 percent increase in its participating students and schools’ turnout.
Zainab School for Basic and Secondary Education in Ras Al Khaimah won the first award in Economic History category for its research (UAE and Sus-tainability), while Al Maaref Secondary School for Boys in Dubai won the second for its research (Currency and Sustainability). 
In social history category, the Emirates National Schools for Boys in Ras Al Khaimah won the first award for its research (National Identity Project: This is what Zayed loved), while the following research papers won the sec-ond award: (Archaeological Areas in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi), (Emirati Humanity is the Heart of the World), and (the Mother of the Nation’s Last-ing prints). In the third place came: (Delma through Zayed’s eyes), (the UAE Centennial the next 50 years and the perception of 2071), and (Choose your path. Your future is in your hands).
In the social history category, the research (Qasr Al Hosn.. a witness to the nation’s establishment), and for the Emirati studies category, the following research won second place: (National Library and Archives.. Memory of the Nation), and (UAE sands bear witness to its initiatives in disasters and cri-ses), and (salt and spikes.. the battle of no impossible).
In the oral history category, the research: (The seas are a world full of se-crets) won the second place.
As for the three winning reports, that came in third place, they are: (Emirati Women), (Volunteer Knights), and (Abu Dhabi, The Role-Model City).


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