The National Library and Archives inspects Piql long term preservation methods, equipment, and techniques at the Arctic World Archive in Norway
In line with its pioneering long-term secure digital preservation project
The National Library and Archives inspects Piql long term preservation methods, equipment, and techniques at the Arctic World Archive in Norway
A delegation from the National Library and Archives visited the "Piql" HQ in Norway, where its members were briefed on documents long-term digital preservation projects, and modern technologies in this field.
The National Library and Archives took advantage of the visits to discuss future cooperation with Piql and Melara Middle East, mainly that the NLA becomes a regional center for "Piql and Melara " projects in preserving the memory of the nation. The delegation members were briefed on long-term archives’ preservation, processing, and work techniques.
This National Library and Archives’ initiative reflects the UAE's firm commitment to achieving sustainable development and the keen interest of the National Library and Archives to enhance, and develop its holdings, implement the UAE government strategy and preserve the region’s history and heritage.
The National Library and Archives looks forward to successfully carrying out its role as a regional technical services center providing archives content digitization and long-term preservation services in the UAE, the Gulf and the Middle East. Thus, it aims to conclude an agreement with the two above mentioned companies for the provision of this project’s necessary technological devices, software, equipment, and training to display such modern and advanced global digital secure and Long-term preservation system at the Abu Dhabi hosted International Council on Archives (ICA) Congress from 9-13 October, 2023.
During a visit to Piql's headquarters in Drammen, Norway, the National Library and Archives delegation was briefed on details of Piql's data and image technologies, its films, filming duration, films processing, access, and storage conditions.
The National Library and Archives delegation also visited the Arctic World Archive (AWA) which is an ultra-secure and long-term data preservation vault located in a former mine deep inside an arctic mountain on the isolated arctic Svalbard archipelago.
This National Library and Archives visit, carried out by a delegation of specialists and experts, comes as a second step following the launch of the pilot phase of the original data digital transformation and permanent or long term secure digital preservation project, (for periods exceeding two thousand years).
This project aims at achieving information digital transformation for a secure and long-term preservation for future generations through employing the latest data preservation information technology solutions, but with Emirati expertise at local, regional, and international levels.