
The National Library and Archives Launched its Summer educational Programs and Events for Students at a Press Conference

The National Library and Archives Launched its Summer educational Programs and Events for Students at a Press Conference
Held under the slogan "Our Summer... and the sustainable national culture" where it launched the second edition of "Watani Al Emarat" educational booklet

The National Library and Archives launched its 2023 educational summer programs and events for students, held under the slogan "Our Summer... and the sustainable national culture" in cooperation with its strategic partners: the Emirates Schools Establishment and the Municipal Presence Center.
 These national programs and events target students, parents, teachers, administrators and volunteers. It includes virtual summer camps for (writers 71), which contribute to students’ producing future writers with refined literary writing talents.
The National Library and Archives’ held press conference was opened by its Director General, His Excellency Abdulla Majed Al Ali, who welcomed the strategic partners and media officials and representatives. HE stressed that the National Library and Archives carries out its mission and responsibility of future generations civic education, national upbringing, and promoting the values of loyalty and belonging to the homeland and its wise leadership, and spares no effort to enrich the youth’s knowledge about the UAE glorious history and heritage.
His Excellency launched and announced the summer educational programs and events for students and expressed the National Library and Archives’ keen interest to promote them over a period of four weeks, starting July 16th, in more than twenty centers in the UAE, and in major shopping malls in line with the National Library and Archives’ national role and constant students outreach. 
His Excellency concluded his speech by thanking the strategic partners and working team in charge of these distinguished National Library and Archives’ activities, wishing them to be highly successful and achieve their desired objectives.
His Excellency Mohammed Al Hashemi, Executive Director of the Student Life Quality Sector at the Emirates Schools Establishment, delivered a  speech in which  he thanked the National Library and Archives for its fruitful cooperation, efforts and contributions to the educational sector’s progress and development and for supporting students educational programs, noting that this summer camp activities ‘cooperation aims at attracting ten thousand participating public school students from various UAE emirates. 
His Excellency said that these events and activities organized in cooperation with the National Library and Archives, are designed according to the highest standards to meet all students- including students of determination- requirements and needs. These camps are part of the student life quality programs, and their objective is to sustain the national culture, and benefit students during their summer vacation free time. 
Mr. Mohammed Al Hosani, Director of the Municipal Presence Center in Mohammed Bin Zayed City, delivered a speech stressing  that these events aim at educating students and  their families, and developing future plans to match the pace of the next stage. He pointed that they constitute a great asset and added value to the residential areas in which they will be organized, namely: Khalifa City, Mohammed Bin Zayed City, and Bani Yas. The public  communication and outreach shall continue, as these events were developed based on a population field survey.
Al Hosani concluded his speech by praising the National Library and Archives’ keen interest in students’ civic education and national upbringing reflected through enhancing their knowledge about UAE history and heritage.
The National Library and Archives launched the second edition of the educational "Watani Al Emarat" booklet in both Arabic and English languages. It was presented by Dr. Husniya Al-Ali, Educational Programs Consultant, who stated that this edition was issued following teachers and educational professionals’ commending its first edition, and the booklet’s provided documented interesting and valuable information on the UAE presented to students to enhance their knowledge in a joyful and beneficial way.
She also stated that the second edition’s scientific material was based on analysis and evaluation of the first and second cycles’ national curricula, it thus came rich in exercises, activities, trainings and videos based on the National Library and Archives’ holdings, Arabian Gulf Digital Archive, and Emirates Library.
At the end of the conference, His Excellency Abdulla Majed Al Ali, NLA Director General, along with His Excellency Mohammed Al Hashemi, Executive Director of the Student Quality Sector at the Emirates Schools Establishment, and Mr. Mohammed Al Hosani, Director of the Municipal Presence Center in Mohammed Bin Zayed City, launched the new edition of the educational "Watani Al Emarat " booklet in the presence of the National Library and Archives inspirational cartoon characters: Hamad, Hessa, and their grandfather.

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