
The Archive and the National Library launch its national project “Measuring the Impact of its Educational Programs on Generations”

In cooperation with Emirates National Schools, and by selecting ninth grade students
The National Archives and Library launches its national project, "Measuring the impact of its educational programs on generations."

The Archive and the National Library, in cooperation with the Emirates National Schools Group, launched a pilot project to measure the impact of the national educational programs that it provides for generations. This project represents a unique system that is applied for the first time with the aim of measuring the educational, behavioral and cognitive dimensions of students before receiving educational programs, during them and after three years. who received it.
The Archives and the National Library apply this system to a large segment of Emirates National Schools students. With the aim of ensuring its significant impact on the consolidation and promotion of national identity and national values such as good citizenship and authentic societal values derived from the past of the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf region.
This national project comes in line with the directives of His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Chairman of the Education and Human Resources Council, in which he called for the promotion of national identity and cultural values in educational institutions, and stressed the importance of enriching students' knowledge with the achievements of national history. And experiences and success stories that can enrich the knowledge of students, and provide them with lessons, positive values, skills and wisdom in making decisions to be leaders of the future and effective elements in the Emirati society. His Highness stressed the importance of benefiting from the experiences and experiences of prominent national figures who have an awareness of the history of the UAE, knowledge of the Emirati identity and culture, customs, traditions and positive values, and highlighting their role in preparing a generation that carries the flag, clings to the identity and participates in shaping the future of the country.
Regarding this project, His Excellency Abdullah Majid Al Ali, Director General, said: The Archives and the National Library are among the first entities to offer such a scientific system that aims to measure the impact of educational programs and their impact on promoting the Emirati national and cultural identity and positive values among students in accordance with the directives of our wise leadership, which it places within its priorities.
His Excellency stressed that the Archive and the National Library deserve the role it plays in the national upbringing of generations, because it is the custodian of the nation’s memory and a history full of achievements, championships and success stories that instill positive values in the hearts of generations, and qualify them to be future leaders who preserve the country’s gains and capabilities, and inform students of the experiences of leaders. The homeland and national personalities and their experiences that enhance their knowledge, love of the homeland and loyalty to its great leaders.
He added: What increases the importance of applying the archive and the national library to measurement processes according to this system is that it is in line with its future dimension with the directions of our wise leadership, which bet on the role of the youth of the country in the field of developing their national culture, their skills and upgrading their capabilities, in order to enable them to lead the future, and an emphasis on The National Archives and Library follows scientific methods and methodologies to achieve successful results that depend on well-studied plans.
He pointed out that the Archive and the National Library have reached with its message aimed at enhancing the spirit of belonging and national identity to more than two and a half million beneficiaries of its targeted national educational programs within eight years, indicating that these organized efforts and fruitful partnerships confirm our appreciation for our students and their great role in shouldering responsibility. and the National Secretariat.
Dr. confirmed. Shawn Daily, Director General of Emirates National Schools, stressed that the national identity projects that are organized annually in cooperation with the Archive and the National Library for ninth grade students, which translate the vision of Emirates National Schools to prepare leaders for the future and to achieve and apply the highest quality standards to be able to prepare qualified future leaders who can take responsibility and achieve The vision of our wise government in the next fifty years.
These projects aim to help ninth grade students to develop integratedly by broadening the scope of the concept of education to more than just acquiring academic knowledge from the textbook, by focusing on developing research, communication, social skills, self-management skills, and thinking skills at all levels and types.
Regarding the mechanism of the system for measuring the impact of educational programs provided by the Archives and the National Library, Farhan Al Marzouqi, Director of the Institutional and Community Communication Department, said: We look forward through this system to measuring the dynamism of educational programs, and the extent of their benefit after a period of time has passed, which is the period of measurement, and the results will contribute to a review programs or generalization in the future.
He added: The measurement process will be applied to a specific sample of students, and according to a specific scientific methodology to see the impact of the various national educational programs offered by the Archives and the National Library, which include: lectures, interactive workshops, educational games and reading workshops, and physical and virtual visit programs that give students the opportunity to visit. The Emirates Library in the Archives and the National Library, Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Hall, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Hall for Virtual Reality... and others
Regarding this measurement system, he said: The Archive and the National Library apply this innovative measurement system due to its interest in the audience of beneficiaries, and because of the importance of this system in revealing the extent of their reception and absorption of programs to enhance national identity, which effectively contribute to the sound national upbringing of the individual, who is considered the basic building block in building The community, which bears its responsibilities in following up the future construction and development process.
Al-Marzouqi explained: The current measurement tools are real-time, and they measure the extent of the recipient's understanding of the provided educational program course, while the new system measures a deeper understanding of these programs, which are expected to affect the recipient's behavior, values, and role in society and support the state's directions. The application of this system is capable of shedding light on many important improvement opportunities in the performance of the National Archives and Library. It works in order to make the memory of the nation available for generations, and in order to ensure that the history and heritage of the fathers and grandfathers, of which we are proud, are transmitted to the children. Pointing out that the National Archives and Library relies on experts and specialists whom it trusts in implementing its national programmes, in implementing this system.
Professor Amina Al-Jabri, Head of the National Curriculum Department, confirmed that the ninth grade national identity projects have become an integral part of the enrichment curriculum of the national education and social studies curriculum, and were included under the umbrella of community projects for the Middle Years Program of the International Baccalaureate, which contributed to the innovation and implementation of a new method of teaching and assessment. The authentic one that is linked to reality and that combines education and assessment based on performance, and the other one that is based on projects, as well as one that is based on natural phenomena.
She added, "Through these projects, we seek to bring about a qualitative shift in students' orientation for volunteer work and community service, by spreading awareness of the importance of volunteer work as an essential component of national loyalty, and through innovation in developing students' educational competencies and capabilities, in both cognitive and performance aspects. This was the slogan of the projects." The year is: “Our original principles, the secret of our success in fifty years.” We focused the axes of students’ choices on topics related to the ten principles of fifty, which were launched by Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed - may God have mercy on him - in an effort to inculcate these original principles and teach them to our students. The students excelled in dealing with issues And related topics, where one hundred and thirty-four voluntary projects were produced, with the participation of eight hundred and thirteen male and female students from all our branches.
Dr. Husnia Al-Ali, Educational Programs Consultant, reviewed the role played by the Archive and the National Library in terms of supporting the educational process, and what it has achieved in this regard, optimistic about the outcome of this project, which will motivate students and schools to more demand for national educational programs that promote loyalty and belonging, and consolidate national identity and values. And national principles, and at the same time it is considered a supplement to the subjects of history and national education that students receive at school.
The Education Consultant in the Archives and the National Library gave a detailed explanation of the system for measuring the impact of educational programs on students, the scientific foundations on which it relies, the mechanism by which this system operates, and what the outcome of this project will have on the archives and the National Library in supporting the students’ national culture, pointing out This contributes to building future leaders and the knowledge economy of the Emirati society, and this in itself is a lofty goal that everyone aspires to.
It should be noted that this project, which is being launched by the Archives and the National Library in cooperation with Emirates National Schools, will soon begin by selecting a sample of ninth grade students in Emirates National Schools in the country, and applying tests to identify specific aspects of the sample. Such as the behavioral aspects, the educational aspects, and national knowledge. Among these aspects, the tests reach the students’ knowledge in the field of history, the knowledge of national responsibilities and duties, the principles of good citizenship, the students’ behaviors, their commitment and their values through their knowledge of the “Al-Sana’” customs, and the results are sufficient to show The methods, practices and mechanisms that the archives and the national library should follow in transferring knowledge to them in order to achieve the best outputs.
This measurement process monitors the impact achieved by the program on the level of national upbringing for students, and the knowledge richness achieved by the sample members from these programmes. The archive and the national library measure the extent to which the messages of the educational programs reach the participants. Based on the results of this project, the archive and the national library work on reviewing and amending the educational programs. To suit the needs of the beneficiaries, the project is supported by innovative programs that enhance the national identity of the participants based on the directives of the wise leadership.   
The second test of the project provides knowledge of the impact of educational programs on students' commitment to ideal behaviors in which the student is keen to perform his responsibilities towards his country to the fullest. Where the level of historical perception of the students will be considered after the program, and their interaction with learning and self-development will be considered by looking at the level of their academic achievement, their lack of absence, and their turnout for national events and volunteer work.
On the other hand, the measurement process is expected to result in a review of the outputs, the methods of presenting educational programs, the embodiment of the outputs on the ground, and the contribution to building an empowered generation that is aware of its national identity and is able to reflect national principles in all its actions.
Through this project - which follows the latest scientific methods in the processes of measuring the impact of its educational programs - the Archives and the National Library aim to lead in developing the experiences and skills of generations, and to identify opportunities for improvement on the way to enriching their national culture and developing their scientific capabilities to be worthy of carrying their national responsibilities on the way to achieving the goals of the state in the next fifty years.


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