
The National Archives provided the Emirates Library with 1,500 books purchased from Muscat International Book Fair

Concurrently with the Month of Reading, and in its pursuit to meet the needs of document and archival science interested scholars

The National Archives provided the Emirates Library with 1,500 books purchased from Muscat International Book Fair 

Concurrently with the month of reading, the National Archives provided its Emirates Library with about 1500 new books purchased from Muscat International Book Fair 2020, as part of the plan to develop and enrich the library, with the purpose of providing more references and sources specialized in the history and heritage of the UAE and the Gulf region. The specialized Emirates Library, as part of the National Archives scientific and research program, allows its users to take advantage of its specialized collections in paper and electronic forms which cover the various Archives' fields of interest.

The book selection task has been entrusted to some experts and specialists whom the National Archives has sent to the Muscat International Book Fair to obtain a wide range of books on the history of the United Arab Emirates, the Sultanate of Oman and the Gulf region in general with the aim of enriching the Emirates Library with various forms of information items to meet the needs of its users, whether researchers, academics or scholars.

In terms of expanding its distinguished services, the Emirates Library of the National Archives attaches great importance to books specialized in document management and archival sciences; thus, it acquires them to serve the undergraduate students of the program jointly launched by the National Archives and Sorbonne University in Abu Dhabi. The National Archives aims at preparing a generation of qualified youth who are able to contribute to preserving the nation's documentary asset and managing it in accordance with best practices and standards.

The newly acquired collection included the Encyclopedia of Oman’s History through Time, which consists of five parts that constitute a comprehensive scientific and technical document recording the history of Oman from the earliest human and prehistoric era to the present one.

The National Archives also acquired a large number of important books that include Document and Electronic Content Management in e-Government Projects, the Biography of Ahmed Ibn Majid, Lion of the Sea, History of the Great Maghreb, Organization and Management of the Aflaj, and Kharidat Al Qasr wa Jaridat Al 'Asr (The Maiden of the Palace and The Newspaper of the Times), in addition to many other various books which focus on collecting and preserving the memory of the nation.

It is worth mentioning that the National Archives keenly seeks to provide its Emirates Library with various resources and references from international book fairs whether in the UAE or abroad, among which is: Abu Dhabi Book Fair, Sharjah Book Fair and Muscat Book Fair.

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