
The National Archives promotes professional safety in the working environment and considers it a necessity, not a luxury.

The National Archives promotes professional safety in the working environment and considers it a necessity, not a luxury.

The National Archives, in collaboration with Abu Dhabi Waste Management Center (Tadweer), organized a remote lecture entitled Occupational Safety in the Working Environment, with the aim of spreading a culture of prevention and occupational safety,  maintaining a safe working environment,  promoting interest in applying the best and latest international practices that ensure safety, and continuing  to work hard to promote positive behavior at workplace.

The lecture was delivered by Younis Suhail Al Murshidi, environment, health and safety officer at Abu Dhabi Waste Management Centre. He began by emphasizing that professional safety measures are not a luxury, but rather a necessity by which all must abide to secure a safe working environment where no accidents occur to people, environment, property, or anything related to work procedures.

The lecturer highlighted many important topics, such as the difference between risk and danger, risk assessment and steps, identification, classification, common risks of occupational safety and health in the workplace, personal protective equipment, first aid, awareness and guidance, and reporting and recording accidents.   He also shed light on ergonomics and the reasons for taking interest in it.

He stressed the importance of personal protective equipment used by workers to prevent injury or disease resulting from contact with chemical, physical, radioactive, electrical, mechanical, and other materials. He also pointed out the need for awareness and guidance through various means such as career guidance, awareness leaflets, various awareness materials including posters, foldables, brochures, awareness and training lectures, workshops, meetings,  seminars, etc.

Al Murshidi urged participants to report incidents through emergency and maintenance telephones, explaining the methods of reporting impending incidents. He provided an explanation about the ergonomics, which involves modification of work to suit the employees in terms of offices, tools, and equipment

The lecturer reviewed a list of the most important definitions and terms of the Abu Dhabi Environmental, Health and Safety Management System, such as auditing, biological hazards, commercial waste, corrective actions, risk of injury or harm, damage or loss as well as possibility of sustaining an injury, and an illustration of the damage severity.

The lecturer stressed the importance of risk assessment, which means the process of examining the risk analysis results against the provisions, standards and specifications that have been developed as the basis for decision-making. Risk assessments are carried out in five steps:  identifying risks, identifying people at risk, recording and implementing results, and taking decisions regarding precautions, evaluation, review and updating.

The lecturer reviewed the risks of engineering, physical, chemical and biological, motor and human element, and reviewed the most common risks of occupational safety and health in the working environment.

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