The National Library and Archives organizing a forum to review its future strategic plan
Honoring Employees with outstanding performance,
The National Library and Archives organizing a forum to review its future strategic plan
The National Library and Archives organized a forum to review the future strategic plan and the latest updates as well as its performance in 2022. The forum serves as an evaluation of the last year performance and preparation for starting the next stage with its new strategy, vision and mission, which show great interest in enriching and empowering knowledge communities, and which are in line with the UAE’s vision and future plans.
H.E. Abdulla Majed Al Ali, the NLA Director-General, began the forum by stressing the importance of redoubling efforts to cope with the aspirations of the next stage of the NLA’s march, developments and requirements, noting that lack of innovation, development and ability to keep pace with modernity will lead organizations to decline. He added that renewing strategies is a requirement.
His Excellency has highly appreciated the NLA’s achievements in 2022. He called on all employees to be aware of the great responsibility, which everyone has to assume with honesty and integrity, ensuring further development at various levels, more distinctive projects and achievement of objectives in the next stage. He emphasized that the NLA is in need of young talents and the accumulated experience of the teams members.
Furthermore, he pointed out that technology is the key driver for future work, and reliance on it will be doubled in order to communicate with clients as per the modern inputs. He also tackled the latest updates on the establishment of the NLA project and building of its collections and advanced facilities in order to serve as a cultural beacon that constitutes an addition to the UAE’s accomplishments.
The Strategic Planning Office at the NLA reviewed the main strategic objectives, future initiatives of the next-stage strategy, the HR strategy and its development, the NLA strategy development schedule, internal and external environment analysis stage methodology, current status analysis, benchmarking report, future trends analysis, etc.
At the end of the forum, departments directors, section heads and team members were honored for their outstanding performance in 2022.