Chairman Of The National Library And Archives’ Board Of Directors Message
HE Hamad Bin Abdulrahman Al Midfa
The National Library and Archives has considerable importance as it preserves the nation’s memory. It constitutes a reference to academic and historical research and a source of documented information for decision makers. During its journey of more than half a century, it has managed to build up an archive that monitors key stages of the UAE foundation and development, to ensure connection between the past and present. The NA provides paper and digital documents for researchers, academics and those who are interested in the UAE history and heritage.
The National Library and Archives has witnessed considerable development and asserted leadership in terms of building a modern national Library and Archives that is regulated in accordance with the UAE applicable legislations, represented by Federal Law No. 7 of 2008 and the Executive Regulation thereof, as well as the standards applicable in this field, as the entity concerned with preserving government records and taking all required actions to preserve the archives and documents of government institutions in the UAE.
The National Library and Archives is one of the oldest archival centers in the Arabian Gulf region. Founded in 1968 under guidance of the late Founding Leader, Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, it enjoyed the support of the wise leadership. Under directives of H.H. Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs, the National Library and Archives works continuously to build up its acquisitions of archival materials and historical documents related to the history of the UAE and the Arabian Gulf region. It collects these materials from local, Arab and foreign sources to be available for present and future generations that want to benefit from past experiences. The UAE was founded and developed in record time and that is a fascinating and interesting story documented by the National Library and Archives in more than 150 books, that contain accurate and documented information. The National Library and Archives applies academic standards of documenting oral history interviews, conducted with senior narrators, in addition to historical research.
The National Librar nd Archiveshas not only been established as a repository for documents, but it also has significant impact on all segments of society. That is why its activities, events and efforts in the national education of generations have played great role in fostering belonging to the nation and loyalty to the wise leadership, enhancing national identity and instilling the values and virtues of the Founding Leader in all people.
HE Hamad Bin Abdulrahman Al Midfa
Chairman of the National Library and Archives’ Board of Directors Message