The National Library and Archives is a member of several international organizations; most important of which are: International Council on Archives (ICA), Arab Regional Branch of International Council on Archives (ARBICA) since 1975, Secretariat General for Centers of Documents and Studies of G.C.C. States.
The National Library and Archives also received a certificate of appreciation from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in recognition of its being the first organization in the Arab World that documents events in an orderly way and publishes them.
Due to its role in collecting, archiving and preserving documents in accordance with scientific meth-ods, the National Library and Archives has become a member of: Union of Arab Historians, GCC Society for History and Archaeology, Center of Gulf and Arabian Pen-insula Studies (CGAPS), Association of Moroccan Historians, Société Egyptienne des Études His-toriques, Association of Historians and Archaeologists in Iraq, American Oral History Association (OHA) and International Oral History Association. H.E. Dr. Abdulla El Reyes, Director General of the National Library and Archives, was elected as chairman of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme.
The election of Dr. Abdulla El Reyes was based on his contributions and achievements in the field of saving archives from disasters at the Arab and international levels. He won many international awards appreciating his role in collecting the UAE’s national memory and his global contributions to the same field..
Moreover, this election was due to the National Library and Archives’ global status and solid relations with inter-national organizations concerned with archiving and documenting.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (UNESCO)
International Council on Archives (ICA)
Arab Regional Branch of International Council on Archives (Arbica).
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
Secretariat General for Centers of Documents and Studies of G.C.C.
Arab Federation for Libraries and Information.
Middle East Studies Association.
GCC Society for History and Archaeology.
Arab Historians Association.
Emirates Publishers Association :(EPA).
Association for Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies.
Société Égyptienne des Études Historiques.
Association of Moroccan Historians.
American Oral History Association.
International Oral History Association