The Supervisor works with students and assists them in the preparation of the research plan, hypotheses, according to writing style standards, and helps them to correct spelling, grammatical and linguistic mistakes, to develop themselves rather than copy from websites, and set the footnotes and references as per the approved standards.
Yes, the National Library and Archives welcomes all researchers and provides them with the required knowledge services.
The awarding committee or panel submits any suggestions for promising research improvement so they may hopefully be re-submitted for the next award session.
For Elementary Schools: a report of no less than ten pages minimum.
For Secondary Schools’ joint research a maximum of 30-50 (A4 size pages), with the references and index list. Provided that the appendices and documents are included within the listed number of pages.
The National Library and Archives shall respond to such inquiries of students’ project supervisors via the following:
Telephone: +9712-4183333
The number of participants of a single project in any school shall not exceed (3) male or female students, provided that these students shall not participate in more than one project; and in case the number of students increases, the reward shall be equally distributed among the team members, provided there shall only be one supervisor for each project.
Yes, any school may participate with more than one research.
A variety of sources are employed including books, periodicals and newspapers, trusted websites, especially those of official entities, as well as oral interviews, scientific dissertations, photos, documents and maps.
For reference citations, the researcher must follow the following steps:
1- include the references in the research pages’ foot-notes and mention the name of the author, book, publisher, publisher’s country (city), the publication year, and the page number.
2- Prepare a special list at the end of the research, including sources, references, research, publications and articles employed by the researcher, provided that each reference mentioned in the list is used in the research body, and each reference mentioned in the research body is reflected in the list.
3- Arrange the reference list included in the (index) at the end of the research according to their importance as follows:
• The Holy Qur’an.
• Sunnah of the Holy Prophet.
• Documents.
• Reports and statistics.
• General and specialized references.
• Dissertations.
• Research and articles.
• Periodicals and newspapers.
• International agreements and treaties (if any).
• Conferences and seminars.
• Websites.
By visiting the electronic services of the portal and selecting supplier registration service.
No, there is not
A registration number is assigned after uploading all required attachments and confirming their validity.
Within 30 days.