The National Archives discusses developing and updating its smart applications starting with Al Nahyan App
The National Archives discusses developing and updating its smart applications starting with Al Nahyan App
The National Archives discussed updating and developing its smart applications to cope with the current and coming phases and with the rapid recent technological advancement in a way that serves and satisfies researchers, academic staff, students and customers and leads to public interactions.
The National Archives development plan aims at aligning its smart apps constantly with the expectations of the public to provide documented information and achieve the strategic objectives of digital transformation.
The National Archives began by discussing the importance of updating and developing the Al-Nahyan App as it is one of the National Archives most important and prominent applications, since it contains vast information and numerous photographs. The applications will be developed through updating their information in line with the recent technological advancement, which increases the services provided to the public.
Through the Al-Nahyan App, the National Archives proved the importance of digital technology in fostering the national values among the society members, especially students. Hence, it strives to update its smart applications to keep pace with the recent development and reach aspirations.
The Al-Nahyan App is a smart and interactive application that presents hundreds of personalities starting with Yas up to the great grandchildren of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan. This smart app introduces the most prominent and important members of Al Nahyan family tree, especially those who built and ruled Abu Dhabi and whose achievements and roles in developing the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the coast were recorded in history as Abu Dhabi became the premier power of the Trucial Coast under their reign.
The Al Nahyan App homepage contains photos of Sheikh Zayed and his sons. It is worth mentioning that he had governed the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, which witnessed considerable growth due to his experience and statesmanship. The foundation of the UAE is attributed to his persistent efforts as well as those rulers of the emirates. Their Highnesses, sons of Sheikh Zayed followed his example to protect the UAE and its accomplishments.
The National Archives has launched the Al-Nahyan App because of the importance of Al Nahyan family tree in the history of Abu Dhabi, in particular, and the UAE, in general. This smart and interactive app acqauints the present and future generations with the rulers of Abu Dhabi and the UAE as well as their everlasting mark on its glorious history and bright present. Learning about the lasting achievements of those great leaders promotes loyalty and belonging to the homeland and instills the national identity in citizens, which forms the core of the National Archives mission.

The National Archives contributes to the national education of autistic children of Abu Dhabi Autism Center through unconventional methods
In line with the UAE’s strategy and the community and humanitarian role
The National Archives contributes to the national education of autistic children of Abu Dhabi Autism Center through unconventional methods.
In collaboration with Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination, the National Archives organizes a number of programs and events for the children of Abu Dhabi Autism Center (ADAC). The NA is prompted by its adherence to the UAE comprehensive strategy towards people of determination and its interest in offering its services and contributions to the national education of generations to all segments of society and in performing its community role to the fullest as well as supporting and integrating autistic children into society.
Within the framework of its collaboration with Abu Dhabi Autism Center, the National Archives receives, at its headquarters, purposeful visits by autistic children to participate in art and reading workshops and enjoy some educational games. These events and activities are planned under the supervision of specialists to ensure their compatibility with the age group and level of autism of each category of the participants in the art and reading workshops and activities.
The program of each visiting delegation from Abu Dhabi Autism Center includes a visit to Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Hall where children enjoy the atmosphere of the hall contents and photographs especially those of the founding leader Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan- Papa Zayed in their own words- which show him building and developing the UAE. Next, children move to Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Hall to watch a national 3D documentary film, which adds an unconventional educational dimension to the visit to awaken their hidden powers.
It is worth mentioning that the National Archives offers a special knowledge support to Abu Dhabi Autism Center in Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination. Not only does the National Archives collaborate with Abu Dhabi Autism Center, but it also offers its relevant activities and events to all autism centers and institutes in the UAE. It maintains close relations with Emirates Autism Society.

The National Archives Reviews the Historical Development of the Judiciary in the UAE
In its Latest Publications, The National Archives Reviews the Historical Development of the Judiciary in the UAE
The UAE has witnessed a tremendous development in the various fields, including legislation. Since its establishment in 1971, the Ministry of Justice has enacted hundreds of laws, which comprehensively transformed all aspects of life.
As the history of the judiciary in the United Arab Emirates represents the history of the state since its inception, the National Archives published The Historical Development of the Judiciary in the UAE Between The Tribal Lores and Secular Systems, by Dr. Rashid Mohammed Obaid Rushoud. The book documents the history of the judiciary and its development using the available documents in the Ministry of Justice, the documents in the civil and Shari’a court records, the documents in the National Archives, and the agreements concluded between the Government of the UAE and other governments.
Since its inception, the UAE has been interested in establishing justice and independence of the judiciary, and this concept has been further confirmed in its constitution which stipulated that, in performing their duties, judges shall be independent and shall not be subject to any authority other than the rule of law and their own conscience. The UAE’s judiciary is independent from the legislative and executive branches of government.
The book points out that the judiciary enjoys a high level of respect and prestige in human societies, and whoever worked in the judiciary is held in high esteem for the significant role played in restoring rights in societies that are not free from conflict between the good and the evil and between the strong and the weak.
The book consists of six chapters and a conclusion. Chapter I is entitled: Judiciary in Islam; it examines the stages of the development and independence of the judiciary. It starts with the judiciary in the era of the Prophet, and then in the era of the Righteous Caliphs, up to the Umayyad and the Abbasid eras. Chapter II deals with the tribal judiciary, its structure, its rules and its most important judges in the UAE during the British presence (1946-1971). It also highlights the jurisdiction and influence of the British Courts in the UAE. Chapter III deals with lore judiciary and its renowned judges, sources, procedures, rules and characteristics. Chapter IV discusses the judiciary after establishing the Union, the methods of judicial selection, besides the Attorney General, lawyers, experts, clerks and bailiffs. It also sheds light on courts and lawsuits. Chapter V deals with the Ministry of Justice during the reign of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan and its successive ministers, activities, and affiliated departments, directorates and courts. Chapter VI lists the legislations as well as the judicial relations and agreements between the United Arab Emirates and the Arab and foreign countries. In fact, the book included some Arab and foreign documents.
The book defines the judicial system in plain language and terminology, and underscores the definition of judiciary given by Ibn Abdeen: “The judiciary is the settlement of disputes, resolving them through the legal provisions taken from the Quran and the Sunnah”, The objective of the judiciary is the attainment of interests and benefits, and elimination of evil and harm; hence some Sharia scholars underscored the great purpose and noble goal of this eminent domain. It is based on the delivery of rights to their owners and the resolution of grievances and disputes with aim of achieving justice.
The book considers that the history of the judiciary in Dubai represents the history of Dubai itself. One of the judges in Dubai to whom the book points out is Sheikh Khamis, a dignified judge, who had gone to Al-Hasa to study Sharia siences and returned to Dubai during the regime of Sheikh Maktoum Bin Hasher Bin Maktoum Bin Butti, who took power during 1884-1906. Hassan Al Khazraji succeeded him and took over the judiciary; he used to carry out his duties of reconciling opponents from his home in Al-Ras area in Deira. After his death, the judiciary was assumed by Mohammed Bin Abdulsalam Al Maghribi, a sheikh who arrived in Dubai from the Arab Maghreb. Thus, judges successively continued to adjudicate from their homes until conditions changed, so Al-Ahmadiya School became their judiciary premises up until 1938, when the Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Saeed Bin Maktoum Al Maktoum assigned his brother, Sheikh Hashr Bin Maktoum Al Maktoum to adjudicate disputes between people. He managed his duties from a shop in Al-Arsa market in Deira. Thus, people would first go to him for reconciliation and settlement of their complaints, but whenever he could not settle their disputes, he would refer them to judges. This practice continued until Sheikh Mohammed Bin Hasher Bin Maktoum Al Maktoum was appointed as Judicial Superintendent in 1956, and it was a sign of a new phase in judiciary as a new house had been hired for judicial practice in Al-Ras area. In 1958, Naif fort had been assigned as Judicial department of Dubai until the end of 1979.
The book lists the most important figures in tribal judiciary in the Emirates during the British presence, and it gives a glimpse on the jurisdiction of the British courts in the Trucial States.
The book outlines the basis and principles of lore laws, lore judges, types of judiciary, court headquarters, judicial procedures and the settlement of disputes. It defines litigation procedures by appearing before the judge and the judicial evidence, which comprises of confession, which is the best piece of evidence, then testimony, oath, tracing. It also mentions the judicial procedures which includes the sources of governance and judiciary, and sources of lore in the traditional society of the Emirates.
The book reviews some of the public cases and dispute settlement, which include the distribution of Aflaj water and farm borders, camels and sheep, and blood lawsuits and cases related to pearl-diving.
Regarding the judiciary in the United Arab Emirates, the book points out that Islamic law is the main source of legislation in the UAE. According to the Federal Constitution, the judicial system is made up of the Supreme Court and Courts of First Instance. It refers to the methods of judicial selection and conditions of appointment as well as the public prosecution department, its role and conditions of appointment. Furthermore, it discusses the conditions of law-practice and the duties of lawyers, besides experts, clerks, bailiffs and translators.
The book refers to Abu Dhabi Judicial Department, which was established in 1974, and to the Court of Cassation, the Court of Appeal and the Courts of First Instance. Besides, it deals with the prosecution, namely Public Prosecution, Cassation Prosecution, Appeal Prosecution, Major Prosecutions. It also elucidates the state of the judiciary in the UAE.
The book sheds lights on the Ministry of Justice during the reign of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan (1971-2004) and shows that he was a great advocate of justice. He was known for standing by rights and implementing justice for the poor and the vulnerable. The best example for that was the irrigation case when some rich people attempted to abuse the poor people exploiting their money to control the ownership of water.
The book indicates that the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Awqaf (Endowments) of the UAE adopts Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s saying: “Our goal in life is to achieve justice, be morally right and support the weak against the strong” as a slogan from which it will never deviate, Allah willing.
The book: The Historical Development of the Judiciary in the UAE Between The Tribal Lores and Secular Systems
Publisher: National Archives, Abu Dhabi, 2018, 1st Edition, 428 pages of large size.
Author: Dr. Rashid Mohammed Obaid Rushoud

The National Archives Enriches the Emirates Library with a Number of the Major Comprehensive and Specialized Encyclopedias
Ancient, Modern, Specialized Cultural Encyclopedias … Rich in Accurate and Reliable Information
The National Archives Enriches the Emirates Library with a Number of the Major Comprehensive and Specialized Encyclopedias
The Emirates Library of the National Archives provides its visitors with a number of resources and important comprehensive and specialized encyclopedias rich in information, namely Zayed Encyclopedia, the recently published Encyclopedia Palestinica, The Pearl of the Palace and the Journal of the Epoch (Khareedat Al Qasr wa Jareedat Al Asr) and The Global Arabic Encyclopedia etch.
The Emirates Library has keen interest in the comprehensive and specialized encyclopedias because they provide researchers with documented facts and information written by specialists and experts and as they save time and give researchers easy access to correct and sufficient answers through their indexes.
Zayed Encyclopedia contains a lot of information about the UAE, which, since its inception, has seen long-term transformations in a record short time until it has become a civilized monument thanks to the efforts of the Founding Leader Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan.
Encyclopedia Palestinica is the most important academic work, in terms of research and history, about Palestine in 100 years. It was compiled by Dr. Mohammed Hashim Ghosheh over more than twelve years. He proved Palestine’s Arabism by documents. The encyclopedia has a variety of resources and references and it monitors the daily life in alleys, markets, houses, factories, farms and other aspects of life in Palestine.
The encyclopedia has (24) volumes in 7000 pages. It contains thousands of documents, photographs, maps, illustrations and samples of stamps used in signing agreements and contracts in addition to the primary archival materials published for the first time.
It also presents about 3000 ottoman documents of Palestinian families and 1200 title deeds of other families, which prove that it was the Palestinians who owned the land. Eight volumes of the encyclopedia contain 12000 drawings of European historians who visited Palestine.
The Global Arabic Encyclopedia has 30 volumes. It is an educational and cultural encyclopedia that is organized in Arabic alphabetical order and supported with colored illustrations, charts and maps.
The Emirates Library has also the encyclopedia of Yemen’s Notables and Authors (A’alam Al Yemen wa Mu’alifeh) compiled by the Yemeni researcher and writer Abdul Wali Al Shemiri. It presents around 20000 old and cotemporary Yemeni notables including politicians, rulers, leaders, scholars, writers and distinguished people in different fields. It took around 15 years to be written. It was issued as an electronic version and as a trial paper version, which comes in 15 volumes.

The National Archives documents the Eid customs and rituals in the past
Through oral history interviews
The National Archives documents the Eid customs and rituals in the past
The National Archives has documented the rituals and customs of the Eid in the UAE in the past as part of the mission of its Oral History Section, where researchers and specialists conduct interviews with the elderly, whose memory is a rich historical reference and database filled with historical events. Oral history interviews document accounts that complement the diverse historical documents that enrich the memory of the nation with the achievements of our ancestors, as well as with the customs and traditions of the people of the Emirates, and preserve for future generations, to enhance cultural development and promote national identity.
The Eid rituals and customs deserve this attention from the National Archives of the UAE, since Eid is one of the most important religious and social events that bring joy and happiness to peoples. In the UAE, Eid always had rich elaborate rituals, traditions and customs, being a celebrated joyous occasion that strengthens social ties and cohesion.
Crescent detection:
“The elderly were the ones who designate the beginning of Ramadan and Eid, so if one living outside urban areas saw the crescent, he would immediately start firing his Tifaq (rifle) in the air”, said Saif Issa Al Mansouri from Abu Dhabi. “Thus we know that they detected the crescent, and fasting begins. And the same applied for the Eid”.
Whereas Sghaira Shnain Al Falahi added: “In the past, the wealthy people used to cook rice and meat for Eid, while some other houses served Khabis, Balalit, Thareed and ‘Irsiyya, as Eid hospitality food items”.
Eid clothes and jewelry:
About the traditional dress, an elderly female narrator says: “There were no tailors; we used to manually sew the clothes with our own hands in the light of the Fanar (lantern) at night. We used to start the sewing process about one month before Eid so the dress could be ready on Eid day. The same dress would be used in the future during Eid and wedding celebrations. Each woman would prepare only one dress for Eid, and we used to wash our clothes manually. Women would dye their hands and feet with Henna before Eid and wear their gold necklaces, bracelets, and Kuwashi on the day of Eid”.
Eidiya and Eid food festivities:
“We used to be very happy on the occasion of Eid”, says Sheikha Obeid Al Dhahiri from Al Ain. “We used to look for Eidiya (Eid gift, usually money), visiting houses of the neighborhood, upon which we were given a rupee or half a rupee as Eidiya, and it was worth it for us. We used to go to the Souq (market) to purchase Crush and Fanta (carbonated soft-drinks) and red bubble-gum balls”.
During Sheikh Zayed’s reign:
Ali Rashid Mohammed Al Neyadi from Al Ain says: “During the reign of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Al Ayyala concerts (traditional dance) were held in Al Muraba’a (the square, at the center of the city of Al Ain)”. This account is confirmed by the narrator Muhibba Hamad Rashid Al Dhahiri from Al Ain, who says: “We used to enjoy watching Al Ayyala, which was performed with poetry and songs accompanied by Tubool and Dufoof (drum) beats”.
She added: “We used to collect money from women and give it all to a father of one of the girls to make Dirfana (a swing)”. Rafee’a Mohammed Al Khmairi from Abu Dhabi says: “After the Eid prayer, we roamed among the neighbors’ houses to get Eidiya, one or two Anna coins, (small currency unit formerly used in India and Pakistan, equal to 1⁄16 of a rupee). Sometimes the Eidiya came in the form of sweets also. Then we would go back to our houses. The families used to visit each other during Eid. I used to love playing on the swing. We used to play the whole day from early morning until sunset. We used to play on this swing throughout the three days of Eid”.
Mubarak Mohammed Bin Jarash Al Khaili from Al Ain says: “On the morning of the Eid day, each one would dress his children in their best clothes. Men gather and look for a high place, where one of the neighbors who memorized the Koran would lead them for Eid prayer in the early morning. Women would pray behind men. After prayer, people would congratulate each other and return to their respective homes carrying Fualat Al Eid (a light meal offered to guests). During Eid, some people might have meat, while others prepare Harees, Aseed, or other types of food. Neighbors, even distant ones, always called on each other on Eid days”.
This is confirmed by Fatima Obaid Ali Musalam, who says: “People enjoyed cordial friendly relations, as they ate together during Eid celebrations”. About his memories and recollection of Eid celebrations, Salem Saeed Khalfan Bin Hudairem Al Kutbi from Al Ain says: “During Eid, camel races were held where the prizes came in the form of a Wezar (loin-cloth), or Ghotra (head-covering cloth). The race used to take place after the Eid prayer and the winning camel used to be saffron- painted. There was no specific route dedicated for the race, only a vast uneven sandy road”.
In the book entitled, (Their Memory Our History), issued by the National Archives, Ahmed Nasser Bin Lootah from Dubai says, as he remembers Eid celebrations: “During our celebrations of social events, I remember that women would challenge each other when cooking Harees, which is a common traditional and popular dish in Ramadan. During Eid, we used to make Al Mraihana (swing) by tying strong ropes between two strong palm trees. During Eid prayer, women would stand behind men, and then gather to talk together, while the girls played on Al Mraihana, and share laughs in expression of their happiness and joy on the occasion of Eid”.
The narrator went on saying: “I remember that there was an old Souq (market) called “Khallas Khallas” where we used to go to play and buy sweets and Gubbait (sweet). I remember one kind of sweets made from melted sugar mixed with flour, and it was sold for one or two paise coins (a unit of currency equaling1⁄100 of the Indian rupee). This Souq was held during Eid only, and once it ends, everyone goes back to his town”.

The National Archives provides the majalis with its documented national and historical publications
In coordination with the Majalis Affairs Office of the Abu Dhabi Crown Prince’s Court
The National Archives provides the majalis with its documented national and historical publications
The National Archives of the UAE has provided a large number of its publications as gifts to the new majalis in Abu Dhabi, that are administered by the Majalis Affairs Office of the Crown Prince Court. The objectives of both the Majalis Affairs Office and the National Archives converge on this initiative as both parties seek to acquaint the Majalis visitors with the documented history and heritage of the UAE as well as with the foundation for its development and for its realization of the highest ranks of progress and advancement in a record time. These publications are important in enhancing cultural awareness, instilling UAE heritage among generations, fostering the values of belonging to homeland and loyalty to its wise leadership and reinforcing the principles of tolerance and peace following the footsteps of the Founder Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan and his vision along with that of the wise leadership.
The National Archives and the Majalis Affairs Office of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Court both seek to provide national education to the public through the NA publications that document the various aspects of the UAE life in the past namely: the economic, political, cultural, urban and environmental development, and to reflect a true and documented image of the history and heritage of the UAE and Gulf region and of the founding leader Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan and the great leaders of the UAE in line with the National Archives’ mission aiming to provide documented and trusted information
The National Archives has provided the majalis with thirty publications, most of which tackle aspects of the biography of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan and document his achievements, national values, parental leadership approach, the efforts he exerted towards founding and establishing the UAE and its blessed Union in addition to his great role in laying the foundation for establishing justice, tolerance, equality, solidarity and other values that are deep rooted in the UAE society’s culture.
The publications also tackle aspects of H.H. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed, President of the UAE’s biography, and the chronicles of a number of Their Highnesses the sheikhs of the UAE as well as its great leaders.
The collection also includes the latest publications of the National Archives, namely ” Zayed.. Awards and Decorations”, the “Historical Development of the Judiciary system” and editions of “Liwa Journal” concerned with authentic academic research in Arabic and English languages and topics related to the history, heritage and archaeological finds of the UAE and the Arabian Gulf region.

The National Archives Launches A Specialized Digital Portal on The History of The UAE and The Gulf Region
The Arabian Gulf Digital Archive.. With a click of a button, you get access to thousands of documents that document two centuries of the region’s history
The National Archives Launches A Specialized Digital Portal on The History of The UAE and The Gulf Region
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates has given access through the recently launched Arabian Gulf Digital Archive’s portal to thousands of historical documents and photographs as well as “multimedia” i.e. audiovisual records on the UAE and the GCC countries of great historic and cultural value. Through this AGDA portal the National Archives presents the rich and interesting history of the GCC countries over the last two centuries. The site documents many historical events and provides information about many prominent figures through its repository of documents many of which are presented for the first time on the internet.
With a click of a button, the (AGDA) Arabian Gulf Digital Archive portal provides its visitors with notes, memos, manuscripts, photographs and official correspondence exchanged between leaders and governments concerning historical events in both Arabic and English. The original documents are mostly from archives outside the Gulf region, thus the National Archives provides access to electronic copies of these historic documents and records, in addition to providing search tools and the possibility of obtaining copies of them. Therefore, this Arabian Gulf digital archive is considered a unique and contemporary source of great help to local and international researchers, academics, students and those interested in the history of the Arabian Gulf region totally free of charge.
It is noteworthy that this site, which can be accessed through the following link: https://www.agda.ae is extensive; as it provides various options – on its homepage- to guide its visitors on the course and field of research in order to enable them to reach the required documented information. The available options on the homepage are: places, personalities, entities, subjects and date range.
The ‘Places’ icon presents the various states and countries of the world, which have relations with the Arabian Gulf states. In addition to these states, visitors of the site can also find documents and photographs of cities of the Arabian Gulf that witnessed historical events. The ‘Personalities’ icon provides information about personalities who had an impact on the course of events and main affairs in the Gulf region. The ‘Entities’ icon deals with entities, organizations, major corporations, local, Arab and international institutions in connection with the Gulf region. The ‘Subjects’ icon covers education, health, as well as economic, military, border, trade, tribes, climate, religious affairs among other subjects. The ‘Date Range’ icon helps the browser to choose a particular date range to know its important historical events.
The AGDA site visitor can benefit from the following links: the “Download”, which allows him/her to directly download a document in a higher quality with all information relating to it in one page, and “Share” it with whom he/she wishes through e-mail, Facebook or Twitter.
Thus, the (Arabian Gulf Digital Archive) website is an important source of unique documented information in line with developing and promoting proper awareness of history.

The National Archives looks into the publications of the Year of Tolerance and the Scientific Committee evaluates them
The National Archives looks into the publications of the Year of Tolerance and the Scientific Committee evaluates them
The National Archives discussed the most important books, research papers and working papers it or some external third parties selected to publish in the year of tolerance. The NA focused on the importance of books and working papers, which reflect the value of tolerance laid by the late Founding Leader, Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan that made the United Arab Emirates a role model environment of tolerance, harmony and acceptance of others.
As part of its agenda in its first meeting in 2019, the Year of Tolerance, the Scientific Committee discussed the publications on the history and heritage of the UAE to analyze them and give its opinion about them and to evaluate the research papers prepared for the participation in conferences.
The Head of the Scientific Committee Slayem Al Hamiri, Director of Research and Knowledge Services Department in the National Archives, stressed that the Scientific Committee is keen in its role in preserving the historical facts during its analysis of the material presented to it. The author receives recommendations supporting his/her research paper. This shows the National Archives’ great interest in the historical methodology and the credibility of all historical facts, suitability for publication and accessibility to researchers, academics and public readers.
The Head of the Scientific Committee pointed out that the role of the Committee in checking books and research papers and in documenting historical information pertaining to the UAE in particular and the Gulf region in general – depends mainly on the proved facts in the historical documents in the National Archives or on the facts mentioned in the documented oral history interviews conducted with the elderly locals who had witnessed the historical events before the establishment of the union and during the stage of development and prosperity. He affirmed that this would promote the historic status of the UAE, document its development and triumphant march by its great leaders starting with the Founding Leader Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan and leaders who followed his legacy.
It is noteworthy that the National Archives’ Scientific Committee has evaluated a large number of books and historical research papers and its role is not limited to this, but exceeds that to the assessment of books the National Archives intend to purchase in addition to the approval of working papers and research papers with which it participates in conferences and scientific seminars in the UAE and abroad.

The National Archives celebrated the victory of Man City and extended congratulations to HH Mansour Bin Zayed
In an atmosphere of prevailing tolerance during the holy month of Ramadan,
The National Archives celebrated the victory of Man City and extended congratulations to HH Mansour Bin Zayed
The National Archives extended its heartiest and sincere congratulations to H.H. Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Presidential Affairs and Owner of Manchester City Football Club on its victory through which Man City claimed its second consecutive English Premier League (EPL) title.
During a celebration attended by National Archives staff and a large number of guests, H.E. Dr. Abdulla Al Raisi, Director General of the National Archives commended the leading role of H.H. Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan that led to this great achievement.
His Excellency Dr. Al Raisi also congratulated the team players and members of its technical and administrative system for their great efforts during this season which led to the team’s maintaining this eminent position and claiming the title for the second consecutive season. He wished the team further success and outstanding victories and achievements to meet its fans’ high aspirations.
The celebration came as part of the National Archives’ annual habit of celebrating the holy month of Ramadan by holding an Iftar banquet, held this year on the 8th of Ramadan corresponding to May 13, 2019, at the Emirates Palace Hotel. The Iftar banquet is pursuant to the National Archive’s strategy aimed at disseminating an atmosphere of prevailing tolerance, as well as strengthening friendly and fraternity ties and relations between the NA employees.
It is worth mentioning that through holding these annual Ramadan Iftar banquets, the National Archives seeks to promote friendly relations and enhance social communication between its employees away from the habitual and daily work-routine in an atmosphere which promotes the values of tolerance, social harmony and solidarity, enhances team-work spirit and encourages further efforts towards realizing outstanding accomplishments to add to the National Archives’ achievements in the collection and preservation of the memory of the nation.
The annual Iftar ceremony helps promote friendly corporate relations between the National Archives and various other entities whose representatives joined the NA staff gathering this Ramadan which would positively reflect on and contribute to developing a favorable work environment.
This year, the National Archives’ Iftar invitation was accepted by a large number of officials, namely H.E. Hussain Al Hammadi, Minister of Education, H.E. Dr. Major General Ahmed Nasser Al Raisi, Inspector General of the Ministry Of Interior, and a number of foreign Ambassadors to the UAE.
The National Archives displayed a documentary film, on several screens at the Iftar hall, showing the various events of the International Council on Archives (ICA) Congress 2019, the National Archivists’ Forum which meetings were hosted by the National Archives in Abu Dhabi. The documentary film also presented logo launching ceremony for the ICA Congress 2020 which will be hosted by the UAE next year and the launching events of the Arabian Gulf Digital Archive (AGDA) Portal.

(Their Memory Our History) .. A book of Oral narratives documenting the history of the UAE society where tolerance prevailed.
(Their Memory Our History) .. A book of Oral narratives documenting the history of the UAE society where tolerance prevailed.
The book offers documented information on the UAE past with its social, cultural and economic aspects, and its contents – including people’s accounts and testimonies – confirm that tolerance has always prevailed in the UAE society. Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founding father was the one who instilled and nurtured this virtue in his people. He was an extraordinary leader who knew how to run the events of history in the service of humanity, achieving a great transformation and a quantum cultural leap in the UAE society in a record time. Since Sheikh Zayed enjoyed a paramount and most influential position on all levels, all the elderly narrators with whom the interviews included in the book were conducted, spoke about their encounters with him or what they knew about him, they also talked about his good influence on the people’s hearts and minds and the development of his people and country.
The book documents people’s memories, the details of their daily lives, their feelings, their relationships, as well as their poetry and suffering. These details which the present generations are not acquainted with are totally missed in all official historical records.
The book began with a list of narrators’ names in an alphabetical order. It starts with the narrator Ahmed Hadhir Mohammed Bin Jassim Al Muraikhi’s accounts who introduced himself, his family and his clan “Al-Muraikhat”. He recounts his memories of time and place details to acquaint the reader with Dalma Island’s features, houses, inhabitants and their daily works. He dedicated a part of his account to talk about “Al Tawashah” the pearl trade profession; which his family had practiced for centuries. Al Muraikhi takes the reader on a trip to the islands of the Emirates, for their role in history and their being the records and the memory of the citizens of the Nation. He focuses on the period of Sheikh Zayed’s reign before the establishment of the UAE, then he compares between the life in the past and in the present. He talked about Sheikh Zayed’s role and contributions, which resulted in the development witnessed in the UAE upto the present time.
The book does not only introduce male narrators but also includes some elderly women who lived through the stage prior to the establishment of the Union, such as the narrator, Bakhitah Bint Qanoon Saeed Al Falasi, whom the desert Bedouin environment and its distinguished traditions had refined her. She had great respect for her father the gallant poet. She excelled in the art of hunting in the prairies with the various traditional tools and methods known then. She learnt Bedouin life concepts and noble values. The Narrator recounts her recollection of the various life aspects of women and their work alongside the men in that crucial period of the history of the nation and the years before the establishment of the UAE.
The book also includes an interview with the narrator “Khamis Rashid Bin Zaal Al Rumaithi” who was born in Abu Dhabi more than 80 years ago, there he lived and received his father’s advice and guidance with diligence and keenness. He was self-taught who mastered reading, writing and reciting the holy Qur’aan. He also bore responsibility early in his life. Now he keeps in his memory recollections of many details and accounts. He used to compose and orate poetry.
The narrator Rashid Saif Rabie Balhaima Al Dhahiri spoke about the desert and Bedouin values, his knowledge and close relationship with camels, his experience in taming and treating them. He has lived in the deserts and oasis. His memory retains a lot of events and incidents, observations, experiences and recollections of the games he used to play in his childhood and youth. He supports Bedouin customs and desert hospitality traditions. He has been courageous, lived peacefully and has many memories of the old days, the most notable was his meeting with Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and the conservations and poems that were exchanged during the meeting.
The book “Their Memories Our History” presents an interview with the narrator “Salim Saeed Salem Al Hassani,” who had many occupations starting from agriculture, building and then military service which refined his skills with precision and commitment. He was brave and gave up his hesitation. He was one of the pioneers in the UAE Parachute Division, and managed accordingly to accompany the rulers and sheikhs. In his interview, he recounts some of his past memories, the challenges he faced, the opportunities he had, the hardships, the travels and the old life traditions at that time.
Salim Bin Abdullah Al Humaid Al Wahshi recounts his memories of education and his hobby of book acquisition, which lead him to establish a large library and put it as a Waqf to serve all researchers and readers. It was an initiative from him to return the favors to his country the UAE.
The narrator, Salim Mohammed Bin Kabina al Rashidi, recounts his memories of desert life, his seven year journey in the vast unknown desert, the dangers he encountered, his tracing skills in the desert, and his commitment to the important mission with which Sheikh Zayed entrusted him, namely escorting Wilfred Thesiger in the crossing of the desert of the Empty Quarter, taking care of him and preserving his life. This trip had a positive outcome; since Thesiger wrote about it in his book entitled: “Arabian Sands.”
The narrator, Saeed Ahmed Nasser Bin Lootah recounts his experiences in the fields of culture and commerce. He was known for his scientific and economic initiatives, and was instrumental in founding and establishing the world’s first Islamic bank and first Islamic school. He believed in women’s role so he conducted research to explain her rights and duties.
Sheikh Sultan Bin Ali Bin Saif Al Khatiri recalls his memories of the Second World War, which he witnessed as a child, as he suffered the hardships of living in scarcity and deprivation. Now he looked at the present luxuries with gratitude and thanks to Allah and then to the founder of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed Al Khair. He is proud of the values of humility and tolerance of Sheikh Zayed’s Sons.
The book “Their Memories Our History” also includes an interview with Sheikh Mubarak Bin Qaran Rashid Al Mansouri, who grew up in the desert and witnessed the stage of nomadic mobility in the different parts of the desert. He also witnessed the period when people used to live sufficiently on dates and milk as their only sources of food, and the transformation from the desert life to prosperity. He lived through the days of the development of the desert. He has been providing opinion and advice in the social and economic affairs of his tribe. He talked about the excellent impact he had from Sheikh Zayed’s companionship for about 40 years.
Sheikh Musallam Salem Bin Ham Al Aameri talks about the conversations and relations with themes of humanity, wisdom and justice that had been exchanged between Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan and his father Salem Bin Ham, who had always accompanied Sheikh Zayed. He described that companionship as “great fortune” to him, since he had learnt the customs, traditions and values of benevolence, respect as well as the principles of generosity, and the concepts of wisdom by attending Sheikh Zayed’s Majlises. In the interview, he recounts some stories that many people do not have the chance to know.
The book also offers its readers an interview with Dr. Aisha Ali Ahmed Bin Sayyar, who was born and lived in Sharjah. She spoke about education, campaigns to eliminate illiteracy, formal education that began in Sharjah in 1952. She also spoke about her university education at Ain-Shams University, and female involvement in public work and her work under the patronage of Her Highness Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak, the Mother of the Nation.
Obeid Rashid Ahmed Bin Sandal Al Ali recounts his memories of decades of hardship, scarcity and austerity he lived through, then he witnessed the era of prosperity and affluence that the union brought about under the leadership of the Founding Father and Builder, Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan. He has been fond of sports, art and heritage. He is interested in passing UAE heritage on to the future generations and in introducing the same to the other people of the world.
The narrator Ali Hassan Saeed Bin Al Sheikh Al Rumaithi recollects the memories of his childhood when he devoted his time to learning and working in various professions such as carpentry, dhow building, blacksmithing and traditional house building. He excelled in inventing sophisticated and amazing tools, worked in shipbuilding, and has been a shipmaster. He cruised all the ports of the Gulf, India and Africa and gained extensive experience in several fields, which resulted in his assuming the post of “Heritage Advisor” at the Emirates Heritage Club. He is considered a rich encyclopedia of many stories, experiences and skills.
Through the memoirs of the late narrator Muhanna Butti Mohammed Hazeem Bin Sakhir Al Qubaisi, the reader is introduced to important historical and social stages that were not registered in records.
As the book contains documented historical information and events so it is considered an important source of history that researchers and new generations can depend on it.
The Book: “Their Memory Our History”
The Author: A group of narrators and elderly people.
The Publisher: the National Archives, Abu Dhabi, 2018, First Edition, 438 pages

The National Archives Crowned the Emirates Library with New Publications on the Founding Leader’s Biography
<p >The National Archives Crowned the Emirates Library with New Publications on the Founding Leader’s Biography</p>
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The National Archives has enriched the Emirates Library with a large number of books, from the latest edition of Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, on various aspects of the founding leader Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s biography, virtues and values due to the importance of Sheikh Zayed and his biography in connection with the UAE modern history and since the Emirates Library is considered a model specialized library that encourages academic historical research and contains valuable cultural references and resources which focus on the issues and affairs of the UAE and the Gulf region.
In view of the founding leader Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s great history and the limitless achievements, the Emirates Library attaches immense importance to publications that tackle his biography as they manifestly highlight his virtues, character traits and leading role in the establishment and development of the homeland.
Among the most important books provided to the Emirates Library the document the various aspects of Sheikh Zayed’s biography, national values and principles as well as his virtues are: (Zayed, The Desert Falcon), (Your Dream, Zayed), (Zayed, Identity of a People and a Homeland), ( Zayed, 100 Years of Glory), (Sheikh Zayed and Ibn Hamm, Old Friendship), (Zayed Taught Me), (The Two Founding Fathers: Zayed and Rashid), etc.
These titles are just a fraction of the National Archives’ books that monitor Sheikh Zayed’s achievements that will always be a source of pride since he is the founder and builder who laid the foundation for the UAE which became a leading country in the region in a record time compared to other countries’ life span. This qualified him to be enlisted among the great leaders and builders of nations.
In addition to the abovementioned books, the National Archives has recently provided the Emirates Library with its latest publication, (Zayed, Awards and Decorations). This book documents aspects of the late founding leader Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s personality and his character traits and lists some of the decorations and awards he received from the leaders of the world and from various scientific, community and international bodies. Such decorations and awards reflect the importance of people and their roles in building their societies and their contribution to the progress and advancement of humanity. His benevolence and generosity that reached all communities all over the world regardless of their races and beliefs granted him that honor of receiving these well-deserved decorations and awards. In fact, he played a great role in establishing and developing the UAE and contributed to the world development and peace.
The National Archives also provided the library with another new book entitled “Their Memory our History” which is a compilation of oral history interviews conducted with the elderly. It is to this history that Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan attached great importance as it took particular interest, special care and attention from him.
The book presents a number of stories that reflect the tolerance and solidarity of the UAE society in the past as well as the integration between men and women in it. Moreover, it highlights Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s keen interest in his people and the society members’ prosperity and welfare besides his efforts towards their as well as the country’s establishment and development.
The life of Sheikh Zayed represents the UAE’s modern history, the interest in which is integral to researchers and scholars who desire to study the UAE history or heritage. That is why such valuable books on the biography of everlasting leader are basic fundamentals of the Emirates Library, which is specialized in the UAE history, heritage and deep rooted civilizations.
It is note-worthy that the National Archives takes keen interest in providing the Emirates Library with new publications obtained from big book fairs in the UAE and abroad in line with achieving its objectives.

In one of its latest publications, the National Archives documents the history of federal legislation in the UAE.
In one of its latest publications, the National Archives documents the history of federal legislation in the UAE.
History of Federal Legislation in the United Arab Emirates, a book recently published by the National Archives, highlights the legislative status before the establishment of the UAE and in each of the Seven Emirates of the Union, i.e. before the Federal Legislation.
The history of the legislations in the UAE differs from that of other countries, because each emirate had its own political, administrative and legislative entity. Many legislations were issued in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah before the establishment of the UAE, and each emirate had a specific administrative structure devised in accordance with the legislations regulating its government.
The new Trucial States Council was established in 1952 where many basic issues concerning all emirates, such as health and economy were discussed. At that time, there were no regulations governing public life due to lack of disputes. However, some changes started to occur as a result of the development of the Trucial States relations with the world outside and the increased inflow of foreigners into the Emirates. The applicable laws at that time were derived from several sources. For examples, public cases were governed by Indian laws and Mumbai laws. Later, a number of courts were established, and their jurisdictions were set based on importance; thus, the Trucial States Court was founded to serve as the Court of First Instance, and the Supreme Court of the Gulf as the Court of Appeal.
Upon the establishment of the UAE in 1971, jurisdiction over all people, as well as national and foreign institutions – within the UAE boundaries – was transferred to the State. The final jurisdiction transfer agreement provided for a time limit for resolving pending cases, and allowed the appeal of previously issued judgments. The new State has committed itself to recognizing the decisions of the Trucial States Court and the Courts of Appeal.
The book consists of four chapters on the history of federal legislation in the UAE. Chapter 1 contains 8 sections. Section 1 discusses the legislations in the Trucial States, while Section 2 focuses on the legislations in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and points out that legislations are divided in Abu Dhabi into three parts: laws, decrees and regulations, including resolutions, decisions, orders, circulars and legislative regulations.
Section 3 highlights the legislations in the Emirate of Dubai where several legislations were issued before the foundation of the UAE. Since the beginning of 1961, most of these legislations were in the form of announcements and circulars regulating the economic and financial situation. The following sections deal with the legislations in Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Fujairah, Umm Al Quwain and Ajman.
Chapter 2 tackles the establishment of the UAE. It consists of two sections: the preparation of the interim constitution and the constitutional amendments.
Chapter 3 is concerned with the legislative authority in the constitution. It has two sections: the first is about granting the Union the legislative competencies and powers, while the second is on distributing competencies in accordance with the ministry formations.
Chapter 4 entitled “Legislations Development” has four sections. Section 1, transfer of local administrations to the federal authority; section 2, establishment of the higher legislation committee; and section 3, establishment of the higher ministerial committee for legislation and the ministerial and technical committees for legislations, and the legislative session.
At the end of the book come the references and appendices, which include the Trucial States flag and passport, along with many other documents that form 27 appendices.
Book: History of Federal Legislation in the United Arab Emirates.
Publisher: National Archives, Abu Dhabi, 2018, 1st Edition, 318 pages.
By: Dr. Abdul Aziz Mustafa Al Khalid.