The National Archives signs the book (A Soldier in the Arabian Peninsula) in Sharjah for the book
An important chapter in the history of the United Arab Emirates before the federation
The National Archives signs the book (A Soldier in the Arabian Peninsula) in Sharjah for the book
The National Archives platform at the Sharjah International Book Fair witnessed the signing of the book (A Soldier in the Arabian Peninsula), which documents an important chapter in the history of the United Arab Emirates before the union.
The book is a biography of its author, in which he tells about the stages of his practical life, and gives the most accurate details about his memories during his work in the Oman Coast Force, and about the events that took place in the region, and his observations and personal impressions of the people and the place, and his work in the Ras Al Khaimah Mobile Force that he supervised and led, And his relationship with the ruler of Ras al-Khaimah, Sheikh Saqr bin Muhammad al-Qasimi - may God have mercy on him - then his departure from the Trucial States, his return to Sharjah to supervise the establishment of the National Guard of the emirate, and finally his leaving the military life for commercial work in South Africa.
The book is an important chapter in the history of the United Arab Emirates before the federation, recorded by a man who spent the flower of his youth in its parts, with its rulers, and among its people, in a style that combines the emotional and objective aspects, closely recounting the facts of matters and events; He was an eyewitness to it during that period.
The book was introduced by His Highness Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, by saying: (Our history is what shapes us to a large extent, and our experiences and outlook on life are greatly influenced by the decisions that our ancestors made and the deeds they accomplished. Therefore, we must be aware of our history well and accurately if we have To build wisely on the work and achievements of our predecessors, rather than remain captive to them.
His Highness added an introduction to the author: David Nield, who served as an officer in the (Oman Coast Force) in two separate courses, and contributed to the establishment of the Ras Al Khaimah Mobile Force, and then to the establishment of the Sharjah National Guard. His commitment, loyalty, and professional military experience earned him the trust and respect of many, including my father, Sheikh Saqr. Bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi - may God have mercy on him - and in this book the author mixes eyewitness accounts with careful research, and this is what put his experiences in their historical context).
In his preface to the book, author David Nield says: In 2012, His Highness Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, asked me to write my early “military” days in the region, stressing that this should be a personal account, and it should also include Background details of the important events that took place in the region before the establishment of the United Arab Emirates. And the author adds: As soon as I received that request from His Highness, I knew that the time had finally come to live the past again.
The author proceeds from the introduction to a long introduction in which he reviews his relationship with the Emirates region in general and the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah in particular, and after he evokes some of the history of Ras Al Khaimah and the events it witnessed leading to the treaty of 1820 that brought peace and maritime stability in the Gulf, and ends the introduction with information on the formation of scouts In 1956, and its status as a force of respected volunteer fighters, maintaining internal security in the seven emirates.
The chapters of the book begin with the first chapter, entitled "When the General Rescued Me," in which the author recounts his memories of joining the military, and his passion to join the scout team during his studies, then touches on his military history in Singapore, Malaya, and Chester in the United Kingdom, and his transition to a job as a transport officer in (Force Oman coast).
In the second chapter, which is titled "Sharjah and Beyond", in which he monitors his arrival in Sharjah, joining the Oman Coast Force in the Gulf region, how he spent the first period of service, how he got acquainted with Arab customs and traditions, his learning of the Arabic language, his observations of what was happening in Sharjah, and about stability. What she was witnessing, and about the topography of the place, and the beginnings of development in Dubai and Sharjah, and the markets that spread in them.
The author moves to Al-Ain and describes his tasks and the nature of life there, and what Al-Ain was like at that time, and monitors the changes that took place in the Al-Buraimi region.
The third chapter of the book was titled "Berlin, the Beetles and John F Kennedy," in which the author recounts some of the adventures he went through in Kenya, his return to East Berlin, and his duties there on the occasion of the Queen's birthday, then he describes the reality of the situation in Berlin at that time, and the historic visit of US President Kennedy to Berlin, and in 1964 the author leaves Berlin to Northern Ireland, and tells of his suffering there, and then his return to Sharjah in the Trucial Coast.
In the fourth chapter of the book, "Three Inches," David Nield tells the story of his learning of the Arabic language at the Arabic language school in Khormaksar, where the students lived in small individual tents for three months. A wave of support for Arab nationalism arose in the Middle East.
In October 1964 a delegation from the League of Arab States visited the Trucial States, and this was followed by the establishment of the Trucial States Development Fund, and in 1965 the Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Dr. Sayed Nofal, visited the Trucial States, and the book lists what happened between the Trucial States, the League of Arab States, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs British.
David Neild describes the period he spent in Ajman when his unit was stationed there, saying: Ajman was ruled by a wonderful sheikh, Sheikh Rashid bin Hamad Al Nuaimi, and he had assumed power in 1928. The pearl industry After the Japanese came to cultivate it, the ruler at that time was able to help his subjects by financing their agricultural projects, and he adopted good policies to ensure that all his subjects benefited from them, so he was loved and respected by all, and describes

The National Archives launches (Guardians of the Golden Shore) at its Sharjah book platform
The National Archives launches (Guardians of the Golden Shore) at its Sharjah book platform
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates launched its latest publication, the book (Guardians of the Golden Shore), at its stand at the Sharjah International Book Fair 2018. The book reviews aspects of the history of the eastern and southern regions of the Arabian Peninsula, including Oman and the UAE, since prehistoric times. And the activities of the inhabitants of this region in several historical periods, and the chapters of the book deal with the development of the emirates of the state.
In its introduction, the book indicates that the United Arab Emirates has gone through a state of great transformation since the discovery of oil. It began to transform from a traditional society into a modern state, but its past has not been forgotten because of its people's keen interest in history.
The first chapter of the book is titled: (The Desert, the Sea, and the Mountain: Eastern Arabia in Prehistoric Times). Pearls, and the impact of climate on the formation of people's lives, and the division of the people of the region into desert nomads, sea pioneers, and mountain dwellers.
The second chapter documents (the emergence of Oman, the Arabian Gulf, and Bani Yas 1909-630), and focuses on the arrival of Islam to the UAE region, the spread of palm cultivation, the arrival of Portuguese forces to it, the Dutch era there, then British interests, the brightness of the Bani Yas alliance, and the transition The residence of Sheikh Shakhbout bin Diab in the year 1795 AD to Abu Dhabi, and indicates that Abu Dhabi owns a large fleet; It was basically a desert sheikhdom, unlike Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah and Dubai, which were all sea sheikhdoms.
The third chapter deals with (The People of the Seas: Al-Qawasim, the British, and the Trucial Coast 1718-1906), stopping at the era of the British, the prosperity of trade, especially in the port of Dubai, and the signs of the emergence of Dubai as an important player in development with the beginnings of the oil boom.
The fourth chapter focused on the jewels of the sea: the rise and fall of the pearl industry (1508-1949), and the chapter shows that pearl diving was popular in the region, and pearls were the master of the situation, but soon his trade declined as his prices fell, and this chapter describes the reality of life that he suffered from The workers in this field, and the prosperity achieved by pearls for the region.
The fifth chapter was entitled: (Something in the Air: Dubai and the Northern Sheikdoms 1901-1939), and the sixth chapter came on (The Hunger Years: The Trucial Coast during World War II 1939-1945), in which the book indicates that the war conflicts did not reach the Trucial Coast, but Its effects were evident in the people, and that era is known as the “time of hunger.” When the war ended with the victory of the Allies, the celebrations that were held on the Trucial Coast did not reflect its reality. It took years to recover.
The seventh chapter was about (sweet crude: Abu Dhabi and the discovery of oil 1909-1971). This chapter summarizes the stage of oil discovery, its details and development, and in the eighth chapter, which was entitled: A plan for the establishment of the Trucial States (1945-1968), the book stops at the political and environmental rituals of this stage, which was It preaches the union to be one of the most prosperous countries in the world, and this chapter monitors the signs of the union and the establishment of the state, and the continuous development in the Emirates, and the author affirms the saying that the United Arab Emirates has achieved in fifty years what the major industrial countries achieved in 300 years.
Chapter Nine (United Despite Separation: The Union and Beyond) shows what Britain's relations with the Persian Gulf and the Arab countries have reached. The chapter follows the political circumstances in the region, the circumstances of the British withdrawal, and the beginnings of the union.
The last chapters of the book were titled (Only One Tribe: The United Arab Emirates), bringing the reader to a development that no one could have imagined. >
The book is supported by sources, references, and historical photographs that add clarity to its chapters.
Book: Guardians of the Golden Shore (History of the United Arab Emirates
Publisher: The National Archives, Abu Dhabi, 2018, first edition, 210 pages.
Written by: Michael Quentin Morton.
Translation: National Archives.

(The Ominous Intervention) at the National Archives Sharjah Book Platform 2018
(The Ominous Intervention) in the National Archives Sharjah Book Platform 2018
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates inaugurated the book (The Ominous Intervention), which it recently issued at its stand at the Sharjah International Book Fair 2018. The book describes the work of the British India Steam Navigation Company and its trade in the Arabian Gulf region over the past 120 years, and how it contributed to the development of the region.< br />
The Arabs have known the phenomenon of monsoons since ancient times, and they transferred their knowledge to sailors in all parts of the earth, and established a trade system extending from Africa to India and the Far East, which included merchants whose goods included various commodities.
In the middle of the nineteenth century, small dhows sailed near the coasts to transport their goods between local ports and in creeks and rivers or across the Gulf, while larger boats sailed in the long sea lines.
The British searched for a new element that replaced the wind and tide, and that element was the steam engine that drove the ships that could set their schedules independently of the wind and tides, and in the summer of 1839 the ship "ENS Hollandsey" appeared from the Trucial Coast, in Ras Al Khaimah beach exclusively, and its appearance was frightening, and this ship, which was made of teak wood in Bombay, visited places such as: Umm Al Quwain, Sharjah, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi.
The book lists the development of steam ships and the services they provided, such as mail. And with the prosperity of the trade in horses, pearls, corn and cotton in the Gulf region, the ships visiting Muscat, Kuwait and Bushehr made the markets of Europe, the Far East and the markets of India accessible to the Gulf, and vice versa. The ships carried passengers and goods, and the ships kept the local boats away from the trade line.
The second chapter of the book turns to the Suez Canal, which gave Europeans better access to the Gulf, and its role in transporting pilgrims, and the merchant families could not compete with the steamship companies.
The third chapter of the book dealt with the services of steamships in the Gulf, pointing out that they topped the growing trade in it until the picture became flourishing in the Arabian Gulf, and the visits of steamships to Dubai had a great impact on the levels of trade and politics. It introduced more competition to the coast in the form of British and foreign ships and European visitors sometimes, and the expansion of Dubai's commercial position had an impact on Oman, which was an ideal model for ports. The book describes the arrival of steam ships to Zanzibar, which was under the control of an Arab sultan at the time. Its port attracts pilgrims with all the commodities that pilgrims used to bring, and modern ships have opened up new horizons for the trade of dates of all kinds.
The fourth chapter of the book deals with the dangers of the sea. This chapter focuses on infection, even indicating that ships have become potential carriers of the disease. This chapter documents a number of dangers that ships faced at sea.
The fifth chapter conveys the echoes of the war, as the outbreak of the First World War in August 2014 triggered an economic shock in the Middle East, and turmoil that changed the region forever.
The sixth chapter monitored the reality of people and trade in the Arabian Gulf. As steam ships began to replace sailboats, the book describes the conditions of Arab travelers on the new ships, and the fees imposed by the Arab rulers at the time on them.
Chapter Seven describes what the British India Steam Navigation Company has achieved in the Arabian Gulf. After the war, the ships of this company were worn out and exhausted. The book refers to the disappearance of these ships, but their memory still remains.
The book ends its chapters with a conclusion and a number of illustrative maps, tables of ships, lists of terminology explanations, historical and illustrative pictures of ships, their crews and ports.
Book: The Ominous Intervention (British India Steam Navigation Company in the Persian Gulf 1862-1982)
Publisher: The National Archives, Abu Dhabi, 2018, first edition, 301 pages.
Written by: Michael Quentin Morton.
Translation: National Archives.

The National Archives launches two new book publications in Sharjah
Seizing the days of the Sharjah International Book Fair in its 37th session, the National Archives launched two of its most important publications that chronicle the United Arab Emirates and the Arabian Gulf region, namely (Intervention The ill-fated) and (guardians of the golden shore) by the author Michael Quentin Morton is an eyewitness who witnessed the great events and developments that transformed the Trucial States, with their tribal reality, into the United Arab Emirates with its bright present. These two publications trace the economic, political and environmental reality in the Emirates region since ancient times, to present in each chapter an interesting story worth reading.< br />
Thus, the two books present new pages and important information that enrich the history of the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf region, and they present a new addition in a sweet manner to the Arab library and among intellectuals interested in the history and heritage of the Emirates.

Enter new title hereThe National Archives organizes a major workshop in Dubai on the Federal Law and its executive regulations
The National Archives organizes a major workshop in Dubai on its federal law and its executive regulations
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates organized an introductory workshop on Federal Law No. 7 of 2008 regarding the affairs of the National Archives and its executive regulations. The workshop, which was held in Dubai, received a great turnout from stakeholders in government agencies in the Emirate of Dubai. The workshop aimed to reach international standards and optimal methods in keeping government records. With governmental and semi-governmental institutions, this comes within the framework of the federal role of the National Archives in the institutions’ application of the provisions of the law, leading to the preservation of the country’s documentary heritage.
The workshop began with a speech delivered by His Excellency Ahmed Saeed bin Meshar, Secretary-General of the Supreme Legislation Committee in Dubai, in which he thanked the National Archives for its role in collecting and preserving the memory of the nation for generations. Then he touched on the role of legislation in organizing societies and their comprehensive and sustainable development, and achieving prosperity in all fields leading to prosperity and happiness.
His Excellency added that the duties entrusted to the National Archives in the National Archives Law make the Legislation Committee commit and cooperate with the National Archives, and it is necessary to document the history of the United Arab Emirates, which made it progress and development thanks to its wise leadership since its establishment as a role model in various fields. domains.
His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Muhammad Al-Raisi, Director General of the National Archives, gave a speech in which he dealt with aspects of the beginnings of establishing the National Archives under the directives of the founding leader, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - may God rest his soul in peace - in 1968 AD, who realized with his wisdom and vision the importance of the renaissance we are currently experiencing, so he wanted the archive The National Archives should document the details of this stage, and in this year 2018, the National Archives will have spent fifty years working to preserve the history and heritage of the UAE and the Arab Gulf region, and thus it is celebrating its golden jubilee, which coincides with the Year of Zayed, and this is what makes us recall the legacy left by Sheikh He gave it to us, and on it we build the immortal exploits and values of the late - God willing - and His Excellency indicated that this legacy would not have appeared without the historical preservation of the documentary materials.
His Excellency touched on the interest of the National Archives in electronic archiving, which is required by the process of organizing government archives with the aim of preservation and availability according to the best international standards.
He expressed his happiness with the attention received by Law No. 7 of 2008 from the Government of Dubai, and thanked the Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai, which took it upon itself to remove the obstacles facing the implementation stage.
His Excellency stressed that preserving the archival heritage for future generations is the responsibility of the National Archives, and this responsibility requires the support of all government institutions and authorities concerned with the archives and its holdings. the future; The days are pregnant and history has a thousand returns, and therefore care must be taken to preserve and preserve historical documents, as they are assets owned by the state.
Mrs. Sheikha Al-Qahtani, Head of the Government Archives Department at the National Archives, spoke about the "strategic role of the National Archives in organizing, preserving and protecting government documents" and provided a historical overview of the National Archives and its development, starting with its establishment in 1968 under the name of the Office of Documents and Studies, then the Center for Documents and Studies, then the Center for Documents and Research. and the National Center for Documentation and Research, and in early 2014 it assumed the new name The National Archives.
She indicated that the National Archives began to develop a strategic plan that included the vision, mission, values and goals, and indicated the focus of the National Archives in consolidating the national identity and strengthening loyalty and belonging among the people of the country. , Enhancing institutional and community communication, developing the National Archives' holdings and enhancing their availability, and providing and developing a distinguished work environment.
In her speech, Mrs. Al-Qahtani drew attention to the importance of the National Archives' publications in enriching the country's history and heritage, the oral archive kept by the National Archives, the training and educational courses provided by the National Archives to government agencies, and its experts' frequent visits to more than 220 archives of federal and local government agencies to diagnose its reality and upgrading it in the light of international standards and scientific methods.
In her speech, Ms. Sheikha Al-Qahtani touched on the Preservation and Restoration Center of the National Archives and its huge absorption of documents transferred to it from government institutions and agencies, and the importance of historical documents in preserving the history of the state.
The workshop included an introduction to the methodology for preparing the system for managing current and intermediate documents. Archiving expert Ahmed Mujib was able to present this methodology as dictated by the internal laws of the country and international standards, and to present the work procedures used in the system for managing current and intermediate documents in government agencies. Building a document management system, document inventory, classification of confidential documents, functional classification of documents, classified documents useful for scientific research, file conversion, and document destruction.
This axis focused on the importance of preserving documents in a safe environment, to keep them away from dangers, and to preserve documents in the current archive stage and the intermediate archive stage according to international standards, and this requires
His Excellency said: Thanks to the support of the wise leadership that we receive, we were able to challenge and stop the waste of documents and their loss, and we have ensured the most appropriate place to keep them in the light of Federal Law No. 7 of 2008.

The National Archives raises the flag of the homeland so that it remains fluttering in the sky of the Emirates
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In response to the invitation of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai - may God protect him - for the campaign to raise the flag unified to express one destiny, one home, and belonging that time only increases with stability and firmness, His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Mohammed Al-Raisi, Director General of the National Archives, raised the flag at exactly eleven o'clock, in the presence of the directors of the National Archives departments and all the employees who were united by the noble patriotic sentiments.<br />
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On this occasion, the Director General of the National Archives said: Our celebration of the flag is an expression of belonging and loyalty to the homeland and its wise leadership, and adhering to the values of the union established by the founding fathers, led by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, God willing.<br />
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He added, "We are proud of our country's flag, which is fluttering and testifying to the progress and prosperity achieved by the United Arab Emirates under our wise leadership. It is worthy of us, while we enjoy stability and decent living in our country, to express our feelings of belonging to this good land, love, loyalty and loyalty to our wise leadership that gives The homeland and the people are given all the care, care and concern, and that we adhere to the values of our union, do what we can, and unite our efforts to serve the country so that the flag of the homeland remains high and fluttering throughout the country.<br />
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His Excellency added: The flag is an essential part of our national identity, and we must always work hard and sincerely so that it remains lofty and a symbol of our national unity. Pride in the flag is a true expression of belonging to the homeland that we all meet in love.<br />
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It is worth noting that all National Archives employees participated in the flag raising ceremony.</p>

Enter new title hereThe National Archives acquaints visitors with the initiative (Zayed: 100 Stories) on the first day of the “Sharjah Book”
Participates in an exhibition of photographs and documentaries, and its publications that document the memory of the nation
The National Archives acquaints visitors with the initiative (Zayed: 100 Stories) on the first day of the "Sharjah Book"
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates participates in the activities of the 37th session of the Sharjah International Book Fair, as a cultural event that highlights its role in preserving the memory of the nation and in promoting national upbringing for generations. Hussain Ibrahim Al-Hammadi, Minister of Education, to the platform presenting the results of the “Zayed 100 Stories” launched by the National Archives in strategic partnership with the Ministry of Education; Where he listened to a detailed explanation from His Excellency Majid Al Muhairi, Executive Director of the National Archives, in which he said: The National Archives launched the "Zayed 100 Stories" initiative in conjunction with the Year of Zayed; As the UAE celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of the founding leader, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - may God rest his soul - and among the most prominent stories published in this initiative: (The Story of a Knight), (The Green Hand), (Conqueror of the Desert), and ( I see the future in a big way).
His Excellency added that, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, we will honor students and educational institutions for their outstanding participation, which contributed to the success of this initiative.
His Excellency added: Our students showed seriousness and distinction in the stories they presented, and proved the usefulness of their in-depth reading and the meetings they conducted with narrators and the elderly, and proved that they benefited from the holdings of the National Archives. His Excellency thanked the Ministry of Education for its fruitful and constructive cooperation in this initiative. And others.
On the other hand, His Excellency Majid Al Muhairi, Executive Director of the National Archives, received His Excellency the writer Muhammad Al-Murr at the platform that presents the results of the “Zayed 100 Stories” initiative.
During the exhibition days, the National Archives will launch a number of its new publications, which deal with aspects of the history of the United Arab Emirates, and document some historical facts and events in the Emirates region before the establishment of the federation, and review details of the development of the region, and the most prominent of the new publications: the book (The Historical Development of the Judiciary in the Emirates United Arab Emirates), the book (A Soldier in the Arabian Peninsula), the book (Guardians of the Golden Shore), the book (The Ominous Intervention) and others.
The National Archives displays on its platform historical photographs of the founding leader, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, highlighting his role in establishing the union, establishing and building the state, and reflecting his local and international achievements.
On a large screen at the top of the National Archives platform, documentaries were shown that include aspects of the life of Sheikh Zayed - may God have mercy on him - and document the roots of prosperity witnessed by the state, and contribute to the consolidation of National identity and strengthening the spirit of loyalty and belonging to the homeland. The National Archives displays on its platform a large number of its national and historical publications that monitor the history and heritage of the UAE and the Arab Gulf region, and document the biography of the noble leaders who contributed to the construction of the edifice of the union and the building of the state.

The Disposal Committee in the National Archives discusses the requests it receives monthly from government agencies
The Disposal Committee of the National Archives discusses the requests it receives monthly from government agencies
The Disposal Committee of the National Archives discussed fourteen requests from government agencies regarding the disposal of worthless documents, in its last meeting at the headquarters of the National Archives, chaired by His Excellency Majid Al Muhairi, the Executive Director, where all submitted applications were evaluated and discussed, and the final ruling was made to preserve or completely destroy them. or partially.
During the meeting, His Excellency the Executive Director praised the response of the official authorities to the National Archives regarding the destruction of documents, considering this as a real indication of the archive officials' realization of the importance of cooperation with the National Archives in order to avoid random destruction, and not to prejudice the documents that are useful in the march of the United Arab Emirates, which deserve to be documented by the Archives. National sustainable development experienced by the state and the well-being enjoyed by all who live in the land of the Emirates.
His Excellency urged the members of the Disposal Committee to control the process of technical evaluation and actual auditing of the archives in accordance with the standards followed by the National Archives, which are consistent with what was stipulated in Federal Law No. (7) of 2008 regarding the National Archives and its amending laws and its executive regulations. His Excellency stressed the importance of disposal Documents that are no longer useful in historical research only, and that their disposal be according to the stages and procedures specified by the law so that the information contained in the documents will not be exposed to publication.
His Excellency stressed that every step taken to preserve public, historical and national documents that are the property of the state is evidence of loyalty and belonging to the homeland, and bears the national responsibility towards its memory that should be preserved and transmitted to generations as a source of pride and honor for what has been achieved at this stage of renaissance, development and prosperity under the wise leadership of the UAE. United Arab Emirates.
The meeting included the directors of departments in the National Archives, heads of departments and units, and technical experts.
It should be noted that the process of getting rid of useless documents, and the preservation and destruction plan, is being implemented in the light of Federal Law No. /7/ of 2008 regarding the National Archives, and the articles of the law related to the destruction of useless government documents, and then controlling the process of getting rid of them and from files produced in government agencies. Which are no longer useful for historical research, in order to reduce - in a deliberate manner - the volume of documents stored with government agencies and to avoid random destruction.

The National Archives completes its preparations to participate in the 37th edition of the “Sharjah Book Fair”
37 from "Sharjah Book"
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates has completed its preparations to participate in the 37th session of the Sharjah International Book Fair, in accordance with its annual habit; As the exhibition is a global cultural event and an annual event for intellectuals, researchers and readers, and based on its interest in books, paper or electronic, the National Archives aims through this participation to highlight its interest in providing many of its services to researchers, deepening awareness of its social role, introducing the new generation to the civil and cultural heritage of the state, and enhancing the sense of identity Patriotism and the spirit of belonging to the homeland and loyalty to the wise leadership.
During the days of this cultural event, the National Archives intends to launch a number of its new publications, in the presence of the authors. These new publications deal with aspects of the history of the United Arab Emirates, and pages from the biography of the founding leader, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - may God rest his soul - and document some historical facts and events. In the Emirates region before the establishment of the federation, and reviews details of the development of the region, and others.
The National Archives takes advantage of the Sharjah International Book Fair in its current session to present the audience with the closing ceremony of honoring the “Zayed 100 Stories” initiative, which was launched by the National Archives in strategic partnership with the Ministry of Education as part of the activities of the Year of Zayed 2018. During that celebration, the exhibition will honor students and educational institutions for their outstanding participation. It contributed to the success of the initiative, which is in line with the vision of the United Arab Emirates 2021.
The National Archives platform at the Sharjah International Book Fair will be full of the National Archives’ publications, all of which are characterized by the value of their content, the fragrant memories and future visions they carry, and the fact that they are distinguished by specialization and intellectual richness, in order to serve the objectives of the National Archives, which documents the history and heritage of the Arabian Peninsula, the United Arab Emirates and the biographies of its leaders. Bones.
The National Archives takes advantage of the days of the Sharjah International Book Fair to provide its full library (Emirates Library) with a large number of the latest publications chosen by a number of specialists from the publishing houses participating in the exhibition and coming from inside or outside the UAE.
It is worth noting that the National Archives is keen to participate with its old and modern publications in major international book fairs inside and outside the country. Its participation in the Sharjah Fair follows its participation in the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, the Cairo International Book Fair, and the Riyadh International Book Fair this year.

Infrastructure development signs a memorandum of understanding with the National Archives
Infrastructure Development signs a memorandum of understanding with the National Archives
The Ministry of Infrastructure Development signed a memorandum of understanding with the National Archives aiming at cooperation in the field of managing paper and electronic archives, exchanging experiences and consultations in the field of managing documents and archives, organizing exhibitions related to the history of the country, and improving the application of international standards and standards and best practices in documentation and archiving.
The memorandum of understanding - according to which the Infrastructure Museum, which the Ministry intends to implement, will also be provided with documents, photos and related materials - was signed by His Excellency Engineer Hassan Muhammad Juma Al Mansouri, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure Development, and His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Muhammad Al Raisi, Director General of the National Archives, in the presence of a number of officials from both sides.
The memorandum comes in the context of the desire of the two parties to cooperate in organizing cultural and scientific activities related to the field of archiving, historical research and exhibitions, in a way that enhances the national identity and highlights the historical achievements of the state with archival materials that are classified within a historical sequence in a museum that the two parties cooperate for its sustainability.
His Excellency Hassan Al Mansouri stressed that strengthening companies with various entities contributes to supporting the government work system, which in turn serves the community and supports the process of achieving sustainable and balanced development and providing high quality to the people of the Emirates, which supports the happiness system and achieves the UAE Vision 2021.
He praised the integration and coordination between the Ministry and the National Archives in exchanging information and following up on the latest international practices to benefit from them in establishing a modern infrastructure characterized by efficiency and quality, leading the UAE to lead the world in the year 2071.
Al-Mansoori appreciated the role of the National Archives in preserving the history and heritage of the state, praising the close relations that bind it to the Ministry and the response it showed regarding this memorandum, which supports and enhances the participation of the two parties in events and activities by enriching them with cultural and informational resources that would enhance belonging to the homeland and loyalty to its wise leadership.
For his part, His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al Raisi explained that the memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Infrastructure Development aims to strengthen the bonds of cooperation with the ministry in a way that contributes to the implementation of national initiatives and projects that have a major role in achieving the UAE Vision 2021, considering that this memorandum is an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences to serve the objectives of the two parties in the next stage.
Al Raisi pointed out that the importance of the memorandum of understanding lies in the fact that it comes in conjunction with the "Year of Zayed" and in line with the directions of the National Archives and its role in organizing the archives of the local and federal official authorities in the country and its efforts to preserve the nation's memory for generations and document the development that is being achieved in various fields under the directives of our leadership. Rational rationalists keen on sustainable development in various fields and outstanding institutional performance in all state agencies, ministries and institutions.
He expressed his happiness at signing the Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Infrastructure Development, pointing to what the National Archives has done throughout its half-century journey in terms of collecting and preserving the memory of the nation and at the level of national initiatives, which culminated in the “Year of Zayed”, which is evidence of its confidence and ability to implement The provisions of this memorandum serve the national interest and document the ministry's march, which is making great efforts to achieve comprehensive development of vital facilities in the country.

The National Archives organizes a charity bazaar marked by the increase of exhibitors with the participation of people of determination
The National Archives organizes a charity bazaar marked by the increase of exhibitors and the participation of people of determination
Within the framework of social responsibility and charitable and humanitarian work, the National Archives organized a charity bazaar at its headquarters in Abu Dhabi, in which several parties participated, most notably: Zayed Higher Organization, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation for Humanitarian Works, People of Determination projects, Emirates Autism Center, products of penal and correctional institutions, and those interested With participation in special projects for low-income families, and projects for the National Archives employees, as a continuation of its initiatives and activities in the Year of Zayed.
His Excellency Majid Al Muhairi, Executive Director of the National Archives, inaugurated the Charity Bazaar, which includes many handicrafts, traditional traditional clothes, desert ornamental plants, and popular dishes and foods that reflect the history of the Emirates and the adherence of its people to their heritage. His Excellency toured the exhibition accompanied by Mr. Farhan Al Marzouqi, Director of the Institutional and Community Communication Department In the National Archives, listen to a detailed explanation of the production of the participating institutions, and the participation of people of special determination.
The National Archives is keen on this charitable and humanitarian activity, which comes within its activities and within the framework of its societal responsibility. This bazaar is a charitable event with a lofty message. It enhances the self-confidence of the participants, especially people of determination, and inmates of penal and correctional institutions, and contributes to their integration among members of society. Happiness and joy for them, revealing their talents and creativity, and giving visitors the opportunity to view and acquire traditional handicrafts and products and enjoy local dishes and cuisine.
It should be noted that the activities of the National Archives employees and their innovative contributions in this bazaar reveal their creative side, and the proceeds of their participation in this bazaar, which is full of handicrafts, traditional dishes and food, goes to the Red Crescent Authority in Abu Dhabi, where the National Archives employees present the financial return they achieve. to it.
This year's charity bazaar was marked by an increase in the size of participation and the number of participants in it, and with the participation of projects of low-income families. Some of the artistic talents of people of determination were displayed in it. The participation and presentations of people of determination were accepted by the audience of the charity bazaar, and the increase in the number of participants and their participation in the bazaar this year came as a logical result of the achievements of charitable exhibitions and bazaars organized by the National Archives in previous years, and in view of the national and charitable objectives on the one hand, which the National Archives aspires to. To hold such events.
The charity bazaar, which lasted for three days, aims to introduce the production of the participating national institutions and urge their support because of their positive impact in activating the various humanitarian fields that are an integral part of the state’s general policy, and for their role in reviving heritage aspects in the hearts of visitors from within the National Archives and from outside it; As the invitation to visit the Charity Bazaar was general, and the National Archives invited many institutions to visit the Charity Bazaar to view and purchase the popular foods and heritage items on display.

The National Archives presents the “Customer Service Quality Guide” in a specialized workshop
The National Archives Presents "Customer Service Quality Guide" in a Specialized Workshop
The National Archives organized a workshop entitled "Guide to Customer Service Quality". He is looking forward to his future position as one of the best archives in line with the vision of the UAE 2021; By providing archival services of high quality that delight the audience and achieve government efficiency.
The workshop began with the words of the late - God willing - the founding leader, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan: "I call on every official to know the limits of his responsibility and to continue his work and make efforts with sincerity and loyalty, and every official in his workplace should study the needs and interests of those around him, and provide them with everything A requirement, then this is our principle and we will keep it, and we will pass it on to those who come after us.”
Mrs. Hind Ibrahim Al-Zaabi, Educational Programs Specialist at the National Archives, who presented the workshop, indicated that this speech of the Arab sage should be a work constitution for all employees in their various specializations and work locations, especially customer service employees, and indicated that the objectives of the workshop are derived from the objectives of the guide, which It is summarized by educating the staff of the National Archives, especially the staff of customer service, and helping them apply the basic principles of providing government services and developing their quality, improving the experience of customers and making them happy by providing better and more efficient services, providing unified standards of service, and building a unique culture in which the prevailing standards are excellence in service, and the enhancement of efficiency. government.
Based on the importance of the guide as a basic guiding reference for the staff of the National Archives and customer service, the Beneficiary Service Unit, in cooperation with the Educational Programs Department of the National Archives, was keen to make it the focus of a workshop followed by the staff of the National Archives.
The workshop dealt with the themes of "Guide to Customer Service Quality"; Starting with the first chapter, which dealt with customers, who are the first to benefit from the service, and the workshop classified customers in government agencies, semi-governmental agencies, private agencies, and individuals, then the second chapter, and it was about the culture of customer service and service values, then the third chapter, which revolves around service quality standards And the importance of standards in determining the level and type of services, bearing in mind that service quality standards are based on the main principles of customer satisfaction.
It is noteworthy that the workshop provided general instructions on the customer's journey, instructions for communication channels, and touched on the customer's journey and experience, ways to provide service to people of determination, the service protocol and work to continuously develop it, and monitor the impression that the beneficiary retains after obtaining the service, and the workshop relied in all its axes on A group of illustrative pictures that populated the large screen in Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Hall, the largest hall of the National Archives.