National Archives to train staff to be guides in Sheikh Zayed Hall
Collections present comprehensive panorama of UAE history
National Archives to train staff
to be guides in Sheikh Zayed Hall
The National Archives has prepared a training programme to qualify its employees as guides in the Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Hall at its headquarters. The hall, which provides a comprehensive panorama about the history of the United Arab Emirates over more than five centuries, includes historical documents and rare archaeological and heritage collections that tell the story of the country from the pearl searching phase till today.
The training programme is an important step in the preparation of a complete employee. Participants will be trained by qualified experts with historical knowledge and previous experience in accompanying delegations that came from different parts of the UAE and from various countries of the world.
The training will be in Arabic and English, underscoring the role of Sheikh Zayed Hall as a showcase of state archive collections. Visitors will be exposed to different forms of historical material, including written documents, photographs, old maps, press clippings, and some archaeological collections; visitors may also take a tour of the different sections and departments of the National Archives. Of special focus are the developmental aspects of the UAE and the Gulf region, highlighted through samples of rare books and documents on important historical stages, especially the formation of the Union and the efforts of the great founding leaders in building the nation and its prosperity.
A special wing of Sheikh Zayed Hall includes collections of the Canadian nurse, Gertrude Dyke, known as Dr. Latifa. These are archival collections and rare pictures gifted to the National Archives by the family of the late Dr. Latifa, who worked at Al Waha Hospital in Al Ain since its inception. These images and collections tell the story of a vital stage in the history of Abu Dhabi and the UAE.
Employees participating in the training programme will undergo a detailed orientation to the hall in order to become familiar with every document and the events and developments witnessed during each period of the country. They will also be introduced to the methods of displaying the valuable collections in the hall, including rare photos, and the interactive screens that detail the lives of the great leaders of the UAE.
The National Archives ascribes particular importance to Sheikh Zayed Hall because it is a unique addition to national efforts in keeping and fostering the memory of the UAE. In brief, Sheikh Zayed Hall opens a window through which citizens, residents and visitors can gain an overview of the deep-rooted history of the country. Indeed, the collection interweaves the sequence of historical periods in its archives with the history of the state, including the 1968 documents relating to the 9-state Union, the bilateral Union agreement between Abu Dhabi and Dubai of February 18, 1968, and the documents related to 7-state talks starting in 1968 up to December 2, 1971, heralding the establishment of the Union.

Digital archivists meeting in Abu Dhabi discuss content, policies and technologies for information sustainability
The electronic archiving committee of the "Memory of the World" program continued its meetings for the second day in a row, headed by His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al-Rayes, Head of the "Memory of the World" program of the Organization The United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), and the committee opened the activities of the second day by presenting the participants with a certificate of appreciation for the establishment of the first international electronic archiving committee to His Excellency Dr. United Arab Emirates, and the participants discussed three main themes: the content, policies and technologies of the Information Sustainability Program.
His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al-Rayyes said: These meetings, which are being held in Abu Dhabi and hosted by the National Archives, are the first of their kind in terms of discussing an integrated system of three pillars aimed at the permanent preservation of information. His Excellency added: In view of the UAE's approach to smart government, the importance of enhancing the sustainability of information by preserving digital information and its operators for as long as possible at a time when the development of information technology is accelerating, and we are working under the umbrella of UNESCO now for an integrated system capable of absorbing a huge amount of electronic information.
His Excellency referred to the challenges facing the digital information sustainability project, represented by financial challenges. The project needs large material capabilities, and there are also technical challenges represented in the continuous development of software and preservation techniques at a time when saving electronic information requires advanced devices prepared for this purpose, and then following up on the electronic materials saved and the development of technologies and software, and converting them from old technologies to advanced technologies. Modern in order to preserve it from loss, and in preserving it is a national and global interest.
In general, the participants discussed the importance of the digital preservation initiative and its policies, in order to allow reference to data and its recall when needed, and they also discussed the possibility of preserving the national documentary heritage on modern software.
The meeting was attended by the presentation of distinguished archival experiences from the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Japan and China. These experiences are characterized by their global standard practices, and in that a generalization of successful global experiences.
The three axes were reviewed: the content, policies, and techniques of the program, and from each team an expert spoke about the axe, and what he expected from the outputs in today's meetings.
It is worth noting that the meetings of the Electronic Archiving Committee, which are being held today in Abu Dhabi with the aim of enhancing the sustainability of the information society under the umbrella of the "Memory of the World" program, will continue until March 16, at the St. Regis Hotel in Abu Dhabi, with the participation of more than 30 prominent professionals and seniors. UNESCO experts, heads of archives and specialists in national archives and libraries, from ten countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Japan, Australia and the Netherlands.

International Experts in Electronic Archiving and Sustainability Visited the National Archives and Hailed Its Technical Evolution
On the sidelines of the meetings held under the umbrella of UNESCO in Abu Dhabi
International Experts in Electronic Archiving and Sustainability Visited the National Archives and Hailed Its Technical Evolution.
On the sidelines of the MOW’s International Electronic Archiving Committee meetings held in Abu Dhabi under the chairmanship of H.E. Dr. Abdulla El Reyes, the Director General of the National Archives and the Head of the UNESCO Memory of the World Program, world Electronic Archiving experts who are meeting under the umbrella of the UNESCO paid a visit to the National Archives of the UAE.
Global experts in digital archiving hailed the National Archives’ evolution and the distinct position it now occupies due to adopting a modern technological base in implementing its tasks. They expressed their admiration for the digital preservation techniques, the electronic archiving of historical documents and the care paid by the NA administration to save historical documents on paper and electronically according to the highest international standards in archiving and preservation. They also appreciated the leading national role of the National Archives and its technical evolution that contributes to collecting and saving the memory of the Nation in a sophisticated manner for posterity.
The digital archiving experts visited the National Archives headquarters after attending their final meetings, which included workshops that discussed a three-pronged integrated system targeting permanent preservation of information and the development of each independently. The competent committees met in order to put integrated recommendations and in conclusion they emphasized the importance of identifying specialized teams for technology, policies and digital content, in addition to creating a special space for the platform of heritage digital programs and implementing directives and requirements for the selection of digital content related to conservation and accessibility of documentary heritage. They also stressed the significance of activating community outreach and determining the financial resources for information sustainability program and for the meeting of the global Summit of the "Memory of the world" which is chaired by the UAE in next January.
H.E. Dr. Abdullah El Reyes, Director General, received the guests at the NA’s headquarters, briefed them on the NA’s role in preserving the UAE history as well as its efforts, and advanced work mechanisms as a national archive that collects and saves the homeland memory.
His Excellency Dr. El Reyes took the NA’s guests on a tour of the Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Hall where they reviewed its contents of old maps, rare books, historical documents and photographs that monitor the stages of establishing the Union.
The visitors watched a three-dimensional high-tech film about the history of the UAE and its present and its future in Mohammed bin Zayed Hall of Virtual Reality. Later, they visited the Presidential Archive Section that contains photographs and videos documenting the life march of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and the local, regional, Arab and international activities of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. They also saw historical photos of the UAE leading personalities that constitute a precious heritage, which must be preserved and handed on to future generations and must be made available to researchers and scholars.

National Archives organizes first Customer Forum
Forum aimed at ascertaining customer needs and reach highest standards and practices
National Archives organizes first Customer Forum
The UAE National Archives recently organized a forum with its customers and beneficiaries of its services as part of its efforts to enhance interactions with them and listen to their comments and suggestions, and to identify and meet their renewed requirements.
On behalf of His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al Reyes, Director General of the National Archives, Farhan Al Marzouqi, Director of Corporate and Community Outreach Department opened the forum.
Welcoming the participants of the first customer forum organized by the National Archives, Al Marzouqi pointed out that through the Forum, the National Archives is looking forward to develop its services and improve their quality and also to strengthen partnerships and relationships with the public.
He added that the National Archives, under the guidance of its senior management, works to enhance communication with the various categories of customers and seeks to know their comments, suggestions and their needs in order to develop its services to suit their requirements.
Al Marzouqi hoped that the first customer forum will be an ideal and effective platform that will enable National Archives reach the highest international standards and practices in what it offers to its customers and beneficiaries.
Dr. Reda Mustafa, one of the customers, who attended the forum, praised the National Archives and its noble services. He also expressed his thanks and appreciation because the National Archives was the most advantageous place for him during the preparation of his doctoral degree, which was about the history of the UAE at the time of Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and most of the contents of his thesis drew inspiration from the collections of the National Archives.
Rida Mustafa expressed, in his name and also on behalf of the participants, the happiness to participate in the first customer forum, which provided an opportunity for participants to give their comments and suggestions on the services offered by National Archives with full transparency, in the light of what they aspire and are looking to achieve.
All the observations and suggestions were monitored, and the Director of Corporate and Community Outreach Department promised to implement all the proposals and requirements of customers. He also called for the continuation of communication through various means between them and the National archives, which maintains at its headquarters memory of the nation and ancient history.
The forum also conducted electronic cultural contests for participants, which included questions that revolved around the National Archives and its activities and achievements. The participants were also honoured with commemorative shields, and were given the new edition of the book “Al Hosn Palace: the history of the rulers of Abu Dhabi 1793-1966.”

The National Archives Organizes an Annual Program for the National Lectures in the National Rehabilitation Center
The National Archives Organizes an Annual Program for the National Lectures in the National Rehabilitation Center
Within its cultural season, the National Archives of the U.A.E. organized an annual program for the national and awareness lectures in collaboration with the National Rehabilitation Center (N.R.C.) in Abu Dhabi to deliver three lectures monthly in the current year, which target patients of different ages and cultures.
The N.A. conducts this earnest activity in line with its interest in building a national character that is able to bear responsibility, achieve good citizenship, and protect the U.A.E.’s accomplishments through enhancing solidarity among its citizens. It also seeks to foster the national aspect represented by loyalty, belonging and nurturing the national identity among the N.R.C.’s young patients. This is achieved through rehabilitating and integrating them into the society, giving them full confidence in themselves, improving and strengthening their relations with their society as well as informing them about what the nation offers to its citizens, and its need for their contributions while they are their healthiest.
The lectures program contains various topics including: “Identity, Belonging, Loyalty, Key National Values”, “Zayed the Father and Leader”, “Khalifa, A Worthy Successor to the Best Predecessor”, “Unifying the House of the Emirates”, “Youths and Nation Building”, “Zayed, the Unifier and the Leader”, “The Founding Fathers and Their Role in Building the Union”, “Heritage and National Identity”, “Sheikh Zayed’s Approach to Politics and Ruling”, “The U.A.E., Noteworthy Achievements and a Pioneer Regional and International Role”, and “Federalism in the U.A.E. between Zayed’s Glories and Khalifa’s Achievements”.
Specialized lecturers and researchers from the Educational Program Section of the National Archives, led by the lecturer Mohamed Ismaeel Abdulla, delivered the lectures at the National Rehabilitation Center. Mr. Abdulla is a very knowledgeable lecturer who enriches the lecture topics with his ideas, which are well received by his audience. He is experienced in delivering national lectures with confidence. Moreover, he has time management skills so he effectively uses each minute when taking the podium to talk about his topic.
Regarding the annual program for the national and awareness lectures organized by the N.A. in the N.R.C., H.E. Majid Al Mehairi, Executive Director of the National Archives, said, “The N.A.’s major community responsibility role, which aims at contributing to community development, prompted it to conduct this program. It seeks to promote the interaction between patients and their society through instilling good citizenship values and embodying the national figures in their minds during the recovery process.”
H.E. added, “When the patient feels that his society needs him and looks forward to his playing a role, he recovers quickly. Therefore, the N.A. has invested the patients’ time wisely for their benefit to be at the heart of the nation’s issues. It seeks to instill the sense of responsibility in them and save them from being marginalized. Thus, the N.A. plays an effective role in their recovery and putting them back on the right track enabling them to lead a normal life.”
In this respect, H.E. Dr. Hamad Abdullah Al Ghafri, N.R.C. Director-General, stated that the various activities between different national entities aim at achieving the highest levels of awareness among the society segments, enhancing and activating their participation and communication as well as informing them of the N.R.C.’s role and illustrating the dangerous mental effects of addiction and the prevention methods.
He added, “The N.A.’s kind initiative is organized within the framework of a series of lectures that seek to establish, enhance, and instill the concept of positive citizenship among the patients who are receiving treatment in the center. Furthermore, the lectures aim at fostering loyalty and belonging to the nation and leadership, directing and investing the patients’ energies so they are effectively involved in serving society and humanity.”
The participants appreciated the lecture, which had a major role in nurturing the concept of national identity.

The National Archives urges government entities to comply with the applicable documents destruction procedures
The National Archives urges government entities to comply with the applicable documents destruction procedures
Chaired by H.E. Dr. Abdulla El Reyes, NA’s Director General, the NA’s Destruction Committee discussed the requests received from some government entities on documents destruction in its first meeting in 2016. The meeting which the committee held at the NA headquarters, focused on the importance of protecting the historical documents and archival collections from random and unstudied destruction.
H.E. Dr. Abdulla El Reyes emphasized the importance of conducting destruction in accordance with the NA’s approved destruction procedures stated in Federal Law No. (7) of 2008 amended by Federal Law No. (1) of 2014 and the executive regulations thereof. He stressed that destruction procedures should not be violated as the acquisitions of the federal and local government entities’ archives are the NA’s responsibility, and their documents are a national trust.
In the meeting that was attended by H.E. Majid Al Mehairi, the Executive Director, and the committee members, the NA’s Destruction Committee underlined the importance of implementing the abovementioned law and the executive regulations thereof and that any document should not undergo destruction before the lapse of five years from date of its preparation. Moreover, no government entity is permitted to form an internal destruction committee since the Destruction Committee in the National Archives is the sole party that is authorized to determine whether to retain or destroy documents.

The National Archives honors the participants in Leadership and Strategic Management Program
The National Archives honors the participants in Leadership and Strategic Management Program
His Excellency Dr. Abdulla El Reyes, Director General of National Archives honored the participants in the training program “Leadership and Strategic Management”. Participants are Directors of National Archives departments. Dr. El Reyes congratulated them for passing the advanced academic program which qualifies them to deal with administrative challenges. He also motivated them to apply the acquired scientific experience in developing the work environment in the National Archives towards further progress and advancement.
H.E. Director General of the National Archives praised the Departments Directors' efforts which are reflected in the N.A.'s successive achievements that benefit all segments of society. They are also shown through the constructive competition among N.A. departments and employees in various fields of achievement. Moreover, H.E emphasized the importance of management as a crucial process necessary for realizing achievement, and of training and its contribution to upgrade qualifications and knowledge at different professional levels.
H.E. Dr. El Reyes illustrated the importance of administrative development to all employees, particularly at this stage where National Archive is well known and popular on both regional and international levels, adding that archiving modern history of the nation requires the N.A.'s great efforts. He also pointed out that the efforts of late founding leader and his founding brothers must be documented and accessible to researchers to produce research compatible with the leadership, contribution and devotion of the establishment and foundation stage.
It is worth noting that research and studies prepared by the participants on the five topics of the training program “Leadership and Strategic Management” are equivalent of the required courses qualifying for masters' degree. The participants were chosen after passing several exams, most important of which is the 360 degrees evaluation. The program qualifies its participants to develop work operation, excel in leadership and overcome administrative challenges facing work progress.

The Head of the Memory of the World Program Discusses With a Japanese Delegation the Mechanisms of the Human Heritage Conservation
Praising the National Archives and its leading role in preserving the UAE’s memory
The Head of the Memory of the World Program Discusses With a Japanese Delegation the Mechanisms of the Human Heritage Conservation
H.E. Dr. Abdullah El Reyes, Director General of the National Archives of the United Arab Emirates, and the Head of the UNESCO Memory of the World Program received a delegation from the Japanese Foreign Ministry in order to discuss the inscription of two documents in the Memory of the World Program. Japan and China are in dispute over this, and the UAE seeks to resolve this conflict.
The Japanese delegation included a number of researchers and specialists in history, documentation and archiving. They discussed with His Excellency Dr. Reyes, the Head of the MOW Program, pertinent matters and the issue of inscribing two documents in the program as Japan and China are in dispute over the validity of their inscription. The guest delegation praised the significant role played by Dr. El Reyes and his confident and competent performance as the MOW program leader who deservedly received the commendation of the UNESCO and its members.
On the other hand, H.E. Dr. Abdullah El Reyes, Director General of the National Archives, informed the Japanese delegation about the NA’s history, its development stages, and its constructive relations with the national archives in most countries of the world. He also briefed them on the NA’s role in preserving the history of the UAE and its efforts and its advanced work mechanisms as a national archive that collects and saves the homeland memory.
The guest delegation stressed the importance of enhancing the relations between the National Archives and the Japanese archive, and the importance of exchanging experiences and taking advantage of the advanced and unique experiences on both the UAE and Japan sides in the field of documentation and archiving.
His Excellency Dr. El Reyes took the Japanese delegation on a tour of the Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Hall where they reviewed its contents of old maps, rare books, historical documents and photographs that monitor the stages of establishing the Union and the development of the UAE. In Mohammed bin Zayed Hall of Virtual Reality, the guests watched a three-dimensional high-tech film about the history of the UAE and its present and its future prospects.
The Japanese delegation visited the Presidential Archive Section that contains photographs and videos documenting the life of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and the local, regional, Arab and international activities of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The delegation also saw historical photos of the UAE leading personalities that constitute a precious heritage, which must be preserved and handed on to future generations and must be made available to researchers and scholars.
The members of the Japanese delegation expressed their admiration for the leading and national role played by the National Archives and its vocational and technical evolution, and they thanked the administration for hospitality and honor.

Enter new title hereThe National Archives Concludes Its Leadership Retreat shaping The UAE Archives’ Future
The National Archives Discussed Its Strategic Plan, Happiness Indicators And Development Of Work Mechanisms
The National Archives Concludes Its Leadership Retreat shaping The UAE Archives’ Future
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates concluded its Leadership Retreat, held for two days under the slogan “Shaping The UAE Archives’ Future” in which the National Archives’ current strategic plan 2016-2018 and a number of important issues related to the conduct of work in the National Archives, the development of its mechanisms and ways to excel at both Arab and global levels were discussed.
The retreat started with a speech by His Excellency Dr. Abdulla El Reyes, Director General of the National Archives in which he expressed his confidence in the success of the leadership retreat and its outcome, in which the Department Directors and all parties concerned with the National Archives' most important projects took part; All of which were determined to pursue excellence and creativity. He pointed out the importance of the current Strategic Plan 2016-2018, which paves the way to the following plan and keeps pace with the U.A.E.'s ambitions in its 2021 vision to be one of the best countries in the world. The agenda of the leadership retreat included important items, notably: archival leadership, publications plan, knowledge services, excellence in the provision of archival services, development of domestic and international partnerships and building of institutional capabilities.
In his speech, H.E. Dr. Abdulla El Reyes focused also on the importance of developing the archives’ holdings, and urged the concerned authorities to activate mechanisms and plans for collecting government archives in preparation for handing them over to the conservation and restoration center of the National Archives.
H.E. stressed the importance of Oral History in enriching archival collections and urged concerned parties to seize the opportunity and speed up in conducting interviews with elder narrators in the different emirates and regions in the UAE.
H.E. stressed the importance of providing the specialized “Emirates Library” with written and electronic sources, and with specialized academic research and studies on the history and heritage of the U.A.E. and the Gulf region. He added that the library now contains more than 85000 specialized books.
The participants in the leadership retreat of the National Archives discussed excellence in providing service, developing services directory, creating channels to facilitate access to services and marketing them electronically via smart applications. They also discussed the publication plan of books, periodicals, and electronic portals of the current strategic plan. The discussion focused on the importance of publications distinguished by being based on the National archives' historic documents.
In the field of developing institutional capabilities, the participants discussed the strategy of human and technical resources, the coordination among departments of the National Archives, the automation of business processes and procedures, and reviewing strategic and operational performance indicators.
The leadership retreat also revised the steps to apply for the certificates of “Recognized For Excellence”, and ISO Business continuity management, risk management, asset management, partnerships relation management and community responsibility. Moreover, the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system which manages the National archives interaction with existing and potential customers- was reviewed along with the plan to develop partnerships and activate them locally and globally.
The National Archives concluded its leadership retreat with a discussion of the outcomes of happiness and linking that to happiness ratios of the employees, customers, suppliers and community.

The National Archives Organizes a Workshop In Business Continuity Management System
The National Archives Organizes a Workshop
In Business Continuity Management System
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates organized a workshop to introduce Business Continuity Management System (BCM), the application of which was launched by H.E Dr. Abdulla El Reyes, Director General of the National Archives, and was attended by 40 participants from the National Archives’ staff.
This system is part of the Integrated Management System concerned with the development, application, operation, monitoring, reviewing and improving the capability of the National Archives to provide services with efficiency and effectiveness in times of crisis, disasters and emergencies.
Regarding the Business Continuity Management System workshop, H.E. Dr. Abdulla El Reyes, National Archives’ Director General said that this workshop is part of the strategy of the National Archives and its plans to face future challenges, and to ensure its readiness to provide its services during emergencies, crises and disasters, and that we place the lives of our staff, workers and visitors at the forefront of our priorities. We largely count on the National Archives business continuity to provide its basic and essential services and functions to decision-makers, researchers, students, in addition to ensuring the validity of the technical systems and the readiness of human resources, alternative procedures, and workplace management. His Excellency added that the BCM system emphasizes our response to our wise leadership directives of protecting human life. It also ensures the stakeholders’ work continuity that integrates with readiness and preparation. H.E. Dr. El Reyes pointed out that Business Continuity Management System is part of the Integrated Management System and that the National Archives looks forward to establish this system because of its importance, as it seeks to get the ISO 22301.
The workshop program about the Business Continuity Management System was characterized by vivid discussions and interactions. It addressed several vital points such as BCM Structure. It seeks to develop a BCM system, update and review plans, and apply the system requirements. Moreover, the workshop discussed recovery time and the impact on businesses and evaluating them. The workshop focused on the important documents in case of an accident, such as Business Continuity Teams, the necessary Business Continuity plans and the escalation mechanisms as per risk and crisis level, and the methods of returning to normal life after recovery, evacuation plans, and communication during a crisis, priority activities, and response to incidents. The BCM workshop urged on paying attention to policies, necessary forms and procedures, as well as mobile numbers of senior management members, departments’ directors, employees and their families.
The program involved identifying the crisis management teams, Incident Response team, the Contact group, and the Damage Assessment team, in addition to informing the original and substitute team members of their duties and responsibilities.
The workshop presented scenarios of expected crises and dangers, and introduced to the staff practical methods to deal with them. Tests were conducted to assess work procedures, documents, tools, and their suitability to handle different situations. The workshop was concluded with an electronic competition that involved the audience, then the most prominent lessons learned from the workshop were identified, and suggestions for improvement and development were listed.

The National Archives issued the 14th issue of the refereed academic journal “Liwa”
The National Archives issued the 14th issue of the refereed academic journal "Liwa".
The National Archives issued the 14th issue of the refereed academic journal "Liwa" which is issued bi-annually in Arabic and English, and is dedicated to the study of the history, archeology and heritage of the United Arab Emirates and the Arabian Gulf Region.
The new edition of "Liwa" contained five research papers. Ahmed Mubarak Salem wrote a paper entitled: "Shaikh Isa Bin Ali and his role in the political and economic reform", Shamsa Hamad Al Dhaheri wrote a paper entitled: "A study in the social history of the Muwaiji Oasis in the mid-twentieth century”. Peter Wemsley wrote on " Tarif and Murban No.1, 1954 ", while Dr. Hayat Bint Munawer Bin Farhan Al-Rashidi wrote a paper entitled “The Profession of Providing Zamzam water to Pilgrims in the third Saudi era, The Unified Zamazimah Office as a Model”. Imad bin Jassim al-Bahrani reviwed a book entitled: Oman’s Foreign Trade during the Reign of Sultan Faisal Bin Turki Al-Busaidi, 1305 ".
The first research focuses on the late Sheikh Isa Bin Ali Al Khalifa’s era and the stability and security that prevailed then together with the transformations it witnessed. The researcher was keen to clarify the facts and analyze events to set the record straight on the various aspects associated with the political and economic reform during Sheikh Isa Bin Ali's reign.
This research paper is divided into several chapters: the first of which deals with the life of Sheikh Isa Bin Ali, his birth and early life, his appointment as Ruler of Bahrain and his reign. It documents the history of Bahrain during his time in power. The second chapter deals with Shaikh Isa Bin Ali and his role in political reform, and manifestations of the state's democratic life, administrative organization, institution-building, and foreign policy, etc.
In the second paper entitled “A study in the Social History of the Muwaiji Oasis in the Mid-twentieth century”, Shamsa Hamad Al Dhaheri wrote about Al Muwaiji, the land in the far west of Al Ain Oasis and within its scope. It was considered the center of power in the Eastern Regions of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. People settled there because of the abundance of its water and its picturesque nature. It flourished through various development projects when Al Ain witnessed local developments of great importance upon Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan's onset of political career in 1946 as the governor's representative in the Eastern Region, who took Al Muwaiji as his official capital.
The paper also dealt with people's settlement, agricultural activity, Al Muwaiji Falaj, the residential districts and residence of the ruling family, and Al Muwaiji Palace which is considered one of the most important palaces in Al Ain and a great historical masterpiece. The paper explores as well Al Muwaiji Mosque, and the Palaces of Sheikh Shakhbout Bin Sultan, Sheikha Latifa Bint Zayed the First, and Sheikh Mubarak Bin Mohammed, in addition to the palace of the spouses of Sheikh Hazza Bin Sultan, and the palace of Sheikha Salama Bint Butti, which was the first palace built for her in the Muwaiji oasis, near her family's palm tree farms.
The paper also sheds light on the palaces of Sheikh Khalid bin Sultan and Sheikha Mahra bint Khalid, and the shops of Muwaijei. It documents the development strategy in Muwaiji as it traces the main points of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan's development strategy in this Oasis, and his projects there, such as: Sharia Court, Al Muwaiji School, and Al Muwaiji Hospital. The writer concluded her paper with footnotes, sources and references.
The third paper in “Liwa” Journal, entitled "Tarif and Murban No. (1), 1954" by Peter Wemsley, is about life in Tarif during the drilling of the Murban NO. 1 oil well.
In the fourth research entitled " The Profession of Providing Zamzam water to Pilgrims in the third Saudi era, The Unified Zamazimah Office as a Model”, Dr. Hayat Bint Munawer Bin Farhan Al-Rashidi examined the career of supplying pilgrims with water in the prosperous Saudi era. She illustrates the attention dedicated by the Ruler and other concerned parties to promote and support this mission; due to the importance of this profession (Sekaya) represented by Al Zamazimah office, and the great services it provides under the auspices of the Ruler and other officials. The study was divided as follows: study of the history of Al zamazimah, the profession of supplying water in the third Saudi era, and the Unified Zamazimah Office. It began with a brief history of supplying pilgrims with water.
The 14th issue of “Liwa” Journal presented a book review of: (Oman's Foreign Trade during the Reign of Sultan Faisal Bin Turki Al-Busaidi), which was originally a master thesis submitted to Sultan Qaboos University in 2006 by the researcher Ismail bin Ahmad Al-Zedjali. The importance of the book is derived from the fact that the era of Sultan Faisal Bin Turki Al Busaidi was one an important one as the country witnessed several political events, in respect of the internal Omani situation and the foreign relations with major powers, especially Britain and France. The book is divided into three chapters: political developments in Oman under Sultan Faisal Bin Turki and their impact on promoting foreign trade, arms trade in Oman, and International trade between Oman and the world during the reign of Sultan Faisal Bin Turki.
“Liwa” journal welcomes all serious academic research, conforming with publishing terms, and related to the history, heritage and archeology of the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf region in general.

The National Archives Concludes A Series Of Reading Workshops At The Ras Al Khaimah Book Fair
The National Archives Concludes A Series Of Reading Workshops
At The Ras Al Khaimah Book Fair
The National Archives in collaboration with Ras Al Khaimah Educational Zone concluded a series of reading workshops for students at the 9th Ras Al Khaimah Book Fair, as part of encouraging reading, promoting education and fostering the concept of reading among students.
The workshops included reading summaries of the scientific content of three of the National Archives’ most important publications: Zayed From Challenges to the Union, Khalifa, A Journey to the Future, and Qasr Al Hosn, with aim to develop the culture of reading among students, thus contributing to the preparation of well-informed generations at all levels, who are able to take part in development and advancement.
Experts from the educational programs section at the National Archives, who oversaw the workshops, enriched them with excerpts from Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s biography and the biography of H.H Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE. The reading of these biographies have a great impact on the citizens introducing a good example and enhancing outstanding traits and deeds. The readings also included excerpts from Qasr Al Hosn, as it offers an important documented light on the bright and honorable history of Abu Dhabi. This fort is still one of the most important historical monuments in the UAE and it was the seat of reign at the onset of development and renaissance.
The workshops adopted a modern and calculated approach that offers the students the maximum knowledge; as they were not limited to reading only, but included discussion, and reading aloud. They included revisions of the studied material and questions on the themes to enhance participants’ information. The National archives distributed promotional and incentive awards to outstanding and interested students.