The National Archives Explores Cooperation Mechanisms with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Research Archiving, Preserving the Digital Library and the Year of Reading Events… Are the most important prospects of cooperation
The National Archives Explores Cooperation Mechanisms with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates and a delegation from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research explored ways of cooperation in archiving scientific research in the U.A.E., best practices in archiving, ways of preserving digital library and exchanging publications, and agreed to organize some events to celebrate the 2016 Year of Reading initiative.
The visit of the delegation of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to the headquarters of the National Archives aimed to benefit from the experience of the National Archives in archiving the ministry’s scientific research carried out by its employees sent abroad to pursue academic studies, the best practices in archiving and ways of preserving digital library and providing it with the National Archives’ e-books, exchanging publications, and laying down a plan for cultural activities within the framework of the 2016 Year of Reading initiative. The Archives Department discussed with the visiting delegation the cooperation and coordination in the second phase of organizing the ministry's archive. The meeting reviewed the most important phases the National Archives has undergone; its achievements, its precious treasures of historical documents and records comprised in its international archives. The orientation included a review of the National archives agenda, its strategy that keeps pace with the U.A.E. vision 2021 and its local and regional functions; particularly as it is considered one of the oldest and largest pioneering regional and Arab documentation institutions.
The visiting delegation was also acquainted with the most prominent projects of the National archives, its role in contributing to the national education in U.A.E. schools, its cultural season which focuses on the most important national causes and issues such as national identity, loyalty and belonging, and the major achievements of the founding fathers, the makers of the Union, the biographies of the great leaders who continued the march towards welfare and prosperity. The visiting delegation was also briefed about the Presidential Archive, which includes photographs and videos documenting the march of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan and the activities of his Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, at the local, regional, Arab and international levels. The section holds maps of the U.A.E., as well as historical photographs, which represent a precious heritage that must be preserved and handed over to the future generations and made accessible to researchers and scholars.
The delegation was briefed also about the specialized “Emirates Library” and its role in providing researchers and students with rare sources and references, and with scholarly research and dissertation on the U.A.E.'s history and heritage. Furthermore, the National Archives expressed its interest in continuing to provide its library with more titles through its participation in the major international book fairs.
At the end of the meeting, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research’s delegation, including Dr. Hamad Al Kaabi, Director of Internal Audit Office, and Fatima Al Jafri, Director of Planning and Coordination of Higher Education Department and their accompanying members had a tour in Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Hall and the Emirates Library.

National Archives Honors the Winners of the Young Historian Award in Its 6th Session
National Archives Honors the Winners of the
Young Historian Award in Its 6th Session
The National Archives of the U.A.E. honored the supervisors and the winning students of the Young Historian Award in its 6th session. The winners gathered in National Archives’ headquarters and were given their awards and certificates of appreciation in the presence of the School Activities Supervisor in the Ministry of Education and the members of the Award Committee. The Awards were as follows: The Economic History Awards were given to Al Sabahiya High School, Julfar High School, Al Hudaiba High School, Zainab Primary and Secondary School, and Vision Primary and Secondary School. All of these schools are in the Ras Al Khaimah Educational Zone.
The Geographical History Awards were given to Abdullah Bin Nasir Model School in Khorfakkan, Sharjah Educational Zone and to Al Sabahiya High School and Julfar High School in the Ras Al Khaimah Educational Zone. The Social History award went to Al Hudaiba High School, and the Oral History Award went to Al Sabahiya High School.
The Director of Knowledge and Services Department Hamad Al Hamiri said that the Young Historian Award is a translation of National Archives’ goal in preserving documentary heritage and enhancing the civic spirit and national identity.
His Excellency was also pleased about the noble aims of the awards as they enhance the efficiency and mechanisms in scientific research among students and strengthen the relations between future generations. The Director of Knowledge and Services Department considered the Young Historian Award, one of the ways to discover the student’s talents and creative energies. Moreover, Mr. Al Hamiri expressed his thanks to members of the Young Historian Award Committee, Dr. Aisha Bilkhair, Ali Darwish Imran, and Fatma Al Mazrouei.
The winning students praised the National Archives’ role in supporting and encouraging them to be creative in the national and scientific fields.
It is noteworthy that the National Archives launched the 1st session of the Young Historian Award in coordination with the Ministry of Education in the academic year 2009-2010.

The National Archives Receives Cadets from Abu Dhabi Police College on a Scientific Journey
The National Archives Receives Cadets from Abu Dhabi Police College
on a Scientific Journey
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates received more than 50 cadets from Abu Dhabi Police College to review some important aspects in the history and heritage of the United Arab Emirates and to attend a lecture entitled "National Identity Is the Base of the Present and the Guarantee of the Future".
At the beginning of the visit, the cadets were given a brief introduction about the National Archives, which was established in 1968 as per the directives of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan to collect memory of the nation and preserve it for future generations.
The visit came within the framework of the cultural season organized by the National Archives to promote patriotism, and uphold cultural knowledge about the history of the United Arab Emirates in performing its mission in providing the decision makers and the public with trusted information, and to enhance civic spirit and national identity.
The cadets attended a lecture entitled “National Identity Is the Base of the Present and the Guarantee of the Future" by the lecturer in the Educational Programs Section, Mohammed Ismail Abdullah. He started with the charismatic Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan and his great care of his people, his leadership and unionist thought, and his pioneering role in forming the Union and the establishment of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.
Then the lecture dealt with the importance of maintaining a “Homeland Triangle” which is national identity, loyalty and belonging, with which communities can achieve unity, cohesion, and human and civil renaissance. As a geographical, political and economic vessel, which embraces the values and the civil legacy of community, the homeland needs a special national culture that is adopted proudly by its people.
The lecturer stressed that the real practice of national identity is by deeds, not words and is represented by the values of good citizenship and working for the U.A.E. and its citizens.
After the lecture, the participants watched a 3D documentary film in the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Hall for Virtual Reality that shows aspects of the past and the shining present of the United Arab Emirates. Then they had a tour in Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Hall, which displays important aspects in the history of the U.A.E. through documents that consist treaties and historical correspondence, photographs, historical maps, and heritage collections. The displayed items in this Hall are samples of the National Archives’ acquisitions.

The National Archives Opens a New Page in Creativity and Innovation Record
Useful Creative Items Recycled from Computers and Their Gears
The National Archives Opens a New Page in Creativity and Innovation Record
Believing that creativity is a lifestyle, the IT section of the National Archives took the initiative to introduce creative ideas by making some items that are useful in form, function, and purposeful aesthetic national implications.
Regarding the IT section staff members’ efforts, Mr. Hamad Al Mutairi, the Acting Director of the Archives Department who originated the idea, said, “We wanted to turn damaged and expired computers and their gears into refined, useful art. We organized a number of brainstorming sessions during the second half of last year, 2015, and we concluded that it was for the section employees to employ their spare time in creative smart ideas to recycle damaged computers and gears to utilize them, they crafted their inventive ideas at their homes, as they did not find spare time at work. I highly appreciate this initiative. This has created a competitive environment, which made the IT department more like a unique art gallery, with a collection made of recycled and damaged computers. The gallery is of a technological nature with some aesthetic and national insinuations. This achievement would not have been possible without the encouragement received from the National Archives' senior management”. Some of the inventions that were displayed in the IT section include the following:
Smart glasses, which are at the forefront of these inventions. The IT technicians have downloaded photo recognition technology and other special software to enable the Google Glasses to recognize photos each of which is linked to its respective data or to some documentaries. Thus, Google Glasses substitute photo gallery guides offering ample information on each exhibited image or photo. There is also Abu Al Areif, designed as a human being whose head is made out of a computer screen and whose hand, which forms the win, victory, and love three-fingered salute, is made out of a keyboard. His costume is relevant to the occasion on which he displays documentaries related to electronic archiving and national events.
Other objects created from recycled computers include two wall clocks made out of two CDs and a motherboard, a U.A.E. map, a desk cardholder, a flashlight, and other aesthetic forms such as a scorpion made out of a computer mouse and a keyboard. There is also a decorative plane, a censer, a small robot, and numerous U.A.E. flags designed from wires and obsolete floppy disks.
It is worth mentioning that some of the National Archives staff members have requested to purchase these artifacts masterfully made from recycled computer materials.

National Archives Receives a Senior Brazilian Delegation to Discuss Ways of Cooperation
National Archives Receives a Senior Brazilian Delegation to Discuss Ways of Cooperation
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates received at its headquarters a Brazilian delegation headed by His Excellency Marcelo Araujo, Secretary of Culture in the Brazilian province of Sao Paulo. They discussed the means and ways of cooperation in the fields of documentation and archiving.
The Brazilian delegation's visit to the National Archives came within the framework of its visit to the United Arab Emirates at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Community Development. They were received by His Excellency Dr. Abdulla Elreyes, Director-General of the National Archives, who briefed them on the history of the National Archives, its evolution, and constructive relations with other National Archives in most countries of the world.
The visiting delegation was briefed on the role of the National Archives in preserving the history of the United Arab Emirates, and its efforts and developed work mechanisms as a national archive entrusted with the collection and conservation of the memory of the homeland.
His Excellency Marcelo Araujo, Secretary of Culture in the Brazilian province of Sao Paulo, emphasized the importance of strengthening relations between the National Archives and the Brazilian Archives, and of exchanging experiences and utilizing the Emirati and Brazilian advanced and distinct experiences in archiving and documentation.
His Excellency Dr. Elreyes accompanied the Brazilian delegation in a tour of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Hall, where they reviewed its contents of old maps, rare books, historic documents, and photos that depict the Union’s establishment stage.
The delegation visited the Presidential Archive section, which contains photographs and films documenting the march of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and the activities of the U.A.E. President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, on the local, regional, Arab and international levels, in addition to the historic pictures of the leading figures of the U.A.E., as these are considered a valuable heritage that should be preserved and transferred to future generations and made accessible to researchers and scholars.
His Excellency Marcelo Araujo and his accompanying delegation expressed their admiration for the National Archives leading role and the technical development it acquired which prompted it to contribute to the collection and preservation of the homeland memory in an advanced style. They thanked its administration for the hospitality and attention with which they were received.

Enter new title hereThe National Archives Participates in an International Workshop Specialized in the Restoration and Maintenance of Heritage
Participants Unanimously Elect the Representative of the U.A.E. National Archives the President and Representative of the Arab Experts in the Forum
The National Archives Participates in an International Workshop Specialized in the Restoration and Maintenance of Heritage
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates participated in an international workshop organized by the Chinese Ministry of Culture for Arab experts on the restoration and maintenance of the cultural heritage “Documents and Manuscripts”. The representative of the National Archives of the U.A.E. was elected president and representative of Arab experts in the Sino-Arab Forum for the restoration and maintenance of cultural heritage.
The National Archives participated in this specialized international workshop because of its importance in educating the participants about issues mainly related to the National Archives’ aspirations to establish a modern and sophisticated laboratory for the restoration of historical documents and manuscripts prone to damages.
The organizers of the specialized workshop gave due attention to the participants in order to deepen the Sino-Arab cultural exchange, consolidate friendship between the two sides and brief the Arab experts on China's experience in restoring, safeguarding and utilizing archival documents of heritage and precious manuscripts. The ten Arab countries that participated in the workshop, which lasted 20 days, were the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, and Tunisia.
The International Workshop was held in the city of Ningbo, one of China's most prosperous and developing regions. Its port was the starting point of the Silk Road. Not only did the workshop focus on the restoration and maintenance of cultural heritage, but also on the foundations of Sino-Arab cooperation and the prospects of development in the future. The workshop has also dealt with the paper industry, which was a Chinese invention, and from China, it spread to the rest of the world. It also covered the maintenance of the cultural heritage and the functions of museums in the modern era. The workshop dealt with restoration and preservation methods, and the techniques of restoration, documents and manuscripts, as well as the history and culture of China and the principles of restoring ancient documents and manuscripts. Many senior professionals and researchers in heritage and history and technical specialists in restoration and maintenance of heritage have given valuable lectures in the workshop.
The workshop program included a number of field trips to historical areas, structures and places related to the themes of the workshop, and the participants were able to form an integrated conception of the historical stature of China and its historical ties with the Arabs.

The National Archives Receives a Delegation from the Chinese Embassy
To Strengthen Cooperation and Become
Acquainted with the History of the U.A.E.
The National Archives Receives a Delegation from the Chinese Embassy
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates received a delegation from the Chinese Embassy to exchange experiences, identify cooperation frameworks, and to become acquainted with the history of the United Arab Emirates. The visit came as a translation of the terms of the Cooperation Protocol the National Archives signed with the State Archives Administration of the People's Republic of China in the field of archiving, preserving, and documenting heritage and history.
This protocol which was signed in Beijing last month has a great importance as it was concluded in the presence of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and as it lays the foundations of mutual cooperation at the level of ways of keeping historical documents and methods that are followed by China's National Archives, which focuses strongly on historical documents.
The delegation, after being briefed on the history of the National Archives, its duties and objectives, the stages of its evolution, visited the Presidential Archive and reviewed many historical documents, which confirmed the strong ties and friendship between the two countries, most notably the documentary film about the visit of the founding leader Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan to China in 1991. Then the visiting delegation received a detailed explanation of the methods of work and the tasks of the Presidential Archive, which preserves and restores old documentaries.
The delegation also toured the new hall of the Emirates Library, which contains a collection of specialized books and holdings as well as facilities that offer a relaxed research atmosphere to its visitors.
The delegation saw a 3D high-tech film about the history of the U.A.E. and its present and future prospects, and they expressed their admiration for Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Hall, which includes models of written historical documents, maps, and photographs.
At the end of the visit, the head of the visiting delegation and the Counsellor at the Chinese Embassy, Lin Yaduo, praised the National Archives for its rare documentary and historical holdings as well as the advancement and development he saw in the National Archives, particularly in the technical base upon which it depends while performing its duties. Counsellor Yaduo stressed the importance of strengthening cooperation between the National Archives of the U.A.E. and the Archives in the People's Republic of China in order to establish an exchange and collaboration mechanism in the areas of archiving, history, and the cultural and heritage links, and in reservation and management of records. He expressed his hope for the everlasting prosperity of the Chinese-Emirati relations through mutual trust, understanding, and respect.