UAE National ISSN Centre

About UAE National ISSN Centre

  • The ISSN is a standard identifier used to identify serials and other Continuing Resources (e.g., journals, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, annual publications and collections) throughout the world whether published in print, online or other media.
  • The ISSN International Centre oversees coordinating a network of national ISSN Centres called Registration Agencies, which are responsible for the registration of serial publications and other continuing resources, at territorial level, in accordance with the principles of ISO Standard 3297.
  • The UAE ISSN Centre, part of the international ISSN Network, assigns ISSN to serials published in the UAE. They are listed in in the National Bibliography, the NLA’s online catalogue, as well as the ISSN International Portal.
  • NLA joined the ISSN network on May 29, 2024, with the mission to set up and operate the ISSN National Centre, i.e. the unique official organization responsible for ISSN assignment in UAE.


Obtain an ISSN

  • The assignment of the ISSN is free in the UAE and there is no charge associated with its use.
  • In order to apply for an ISSN, applicants must first create an account in ISSNuae, the UAE ISSN Centre’s online application system.
  • ISSNuae is a web-based system to apply for ISSN, track the progress of your application, and communicate with the UAE ISSN Centre.
  • If the publication meets the criteria, an ISSN is allocated within a maximum of 10 working days. Once an ISSN has been assigned, you will be notified. Where a publication only appears online, the ISSN will not be issued until after it has been published.

Service link ISSNuae

Instructions for publishers

  • To fulfil its purpose, the ISSN should be displayed prominently on every issue, preferably in the top right corner of the cover of print publications and always preceded by the acronym ISSN.
    Ex.: Liwa
    ISSN 1729-9039 (Print)
  • If the serial or other continuing resource has an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for the individual volumes within a series, in addition to the ISSN for the series, the two numbers should appear together, each with its own prefix. The ISSN should be printed right after the title of the series.
  • Serials and other continuing resources often undergo changes, many of which result in a change of title. When this occurs, a new ISSN must be assigned. Other changes to a serial, such as those of place, publisher, and frequency do not affect the ISSN assignment.
  • Do I need separate ISSN for the print and online versions of my publication? Yes. If you regularly publish in both print and online.
  • ISSN Network policy limits how far in advance an ISSN can be assigned to no more than 6 months in advance. Please submit your application closer to your expected publication date.

Contact us

Have a question? Feel free to drop us a line at:

For support, please call us at: +9712 4183333

National Library and Archives
P.O. Box: 5884 Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates

Service hours:
9:30 am-3:00 pm

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