
Digital archivists meeting in Abu Dhabi discuss content, policies and technologies for information sustainability

The electronic archiving committee of the "Memory of the World" program continued its meetings for the second day in a row, headed by His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al-Rayes, Head of the "Memory of the World" program of the Organization The United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), and the committee opened the activities of the second day by presenting the participants with a certificate of appreciation for the establishment of the first international electronic archiving committee to His Excellency Dr. United Arab Emirates, and the participants discussed three main themes: the content, policies and technologies of the Information Sustainability Program.

His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al-Rayyes said: These meetings, which are being held in Abu Dhabi and hosted by the National Archives, are the first of their kind in terms of discussing an integrated system of three pillars aimed at the permanent preservation of information. His Excellency added: In view of the UAE's approach to smart government, the importance of enhancing the sustainability of information by preserving digital information and its operators for as long as possible at a time when the development of information technology is accelerating, and we are working under the umbrella of UNESCO now for an integrated system capable of absorbing a huge amount of electronic information.

His Excellency referred to the challenges facing the digital information sustainability project, represented by financial challenges. The project needs large material capabilities, and there are also technical challenges represented in the continuous development of software and preservation techniques at a time when saving electronic information requires advanced devices prepared for this purpose, and then following up on the electronic materials saved and the development of technologies and software, and converting them from old technologies to advanced technologies. Modern in order to preserve it from loss, and in preserving it is a national and global interest.

In general, the participants discussed the importance of the digital preservation initiative and its policies, in order to allow reference to data and its recall when needed, and they also discussed the possibility of preserving the national documentary heritage on modern software.

The meeting was attended by the presentation of distinguished archival experiences from the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Japan and China. These experiences are characterized by their global standard practices, and in that a generalization of successful global experiences.

The three axes were reviewed: the content, policies, and techniques of the program, and from each team an expert spoke about the axe, and what he expected from the outputs in today's meetings.

It is worth noting that the meetings of the Electronic Archiving Committee, which are being held today in Abu Dhabi with the aim of enhancing the sustainability of the information society under the umbrella of the "Memory of the World" program, will continue until March 16, at the St. Regis Hotel in Abu Dhabi, with the participation of more than 30 prominent professionals and seniors. UNESCO experts, heads of archives and specialists in national archives and libraries, from ten countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Japan, Australia and the Netherlands.

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