National Archives and Emirates National Schools Evaluate “National Identity” Projects
The National Archives and Emirates National Schools concluded evaluation of "National Identity" projects, third session. The annual evaluation resulted in the winning of Emirates National Schools, Mohammed Bin Zayed Group (Girls), for its distinguished participation in two projects: "Our Language, Our Identity" and "Role of Emirati Woman", from a selection of national, social, and health short listed projects.
National Archives and Emirates National Schools Evaluate "National Identity" Projects
The National Archives and Emirates National Schools concluded evaluation of "National Identity" projects, third session. The annual evaluation resulted in the winning of Emirates National Schools, Mohammed Bin Zayed Group (Girls), for its distinguished participation in two projects: "Our Language, Our Identity" and "Role of Emirati Woman", from a selection of national, social, and health short listed projects.
The participation of the National Archives in these activities stems from its desire to promote loyalty and belonging among youth, and to direct students' energy towards positive national and human projects that build up their civic values.
The event began with a speech by Mrs. Ameenah Al Jabiri, Head of the National Curriculum Section at Emirates National Schools. Mrs. Al Jabiri thanked NA for their cooperation in making the event a success. She then explained the process the students went through and the efforts they put into their projects, while keeping the country's vision for 2021 in mind. This kind of projects motivates students to research and investigate in order to gain more knowledge.
Mrs. Husniya Al Ali, Head of Educational Programs Section at NA, welcomed the students of Emirates National Schools, and complimented their excellent work and praised the role of the schools' administration and teachers in teaching students good values, to help raise a generation of loyal citizens who will lead the nation in the future. She also praised the outcome of the project, which reflects the awareness of youth of their society's needs and ambitions.
Ninth grade girls filled Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Hall with all of their projects, using multi-media technology. Parents and other visitors toured the Hall and enjoyed all projects, especially that parents were able to follow the efforts of their daughters and vote immediately and electronically on the importance of their projects.
At the end of the evaluation ceremony, the National Evaluation Committee complemented the projects of the female students, which promise of a generation that understands its duties and responsibilities towards the country, and is keen to abide by the criteria in selecting the subject, the content of the research and the presentation of the project. Mrs. Ayesha Al Zaabi, of Educational Programs Section at NA, conveyed to the students the guidance of the Evaluation Committee, wishing them to use the latest statistics to make their contributions more powerful, and urging them to use the Arabic language in order to eliminate mistakes, in addition to the use of documented references and approved websites to ensure the accuracy of the information.
The final evaluation reviewed 13 projects on different topics such as sustainable development, young inventors, dyslexia, role of Emirati women, our language our identity, UAE youth ambassadors, social communication, future leadership, sclerosis, speeding, anger management, and making others happy.