The cultural programme.. a window opened by the National Archives for foreign teachers on Emirati values
The cultural programme.. a window opened by the National Archives for foreign teachers on Emirati values
The National Archives intends to organize a cultural program on the history and culture of the UAE for foreign teachers in private schools affiliated with the Abu Dhabi Education Council in mid-August. Through it, the National Archives aims to deliver its national message to the various segments of society in order to consolidate the identity of the nation, enhance loyalty to it, and strengthen belonging to it. More than 4,500 male and female teachers participated in the previous sessions of this program.
The National Archives has been organizing this cultural program in English over the past three years, and schools are keen to participate in their educational staff from various foreign curricula: American, French, British, Japanese, Indian, Russian, Pakistani... and others, because of the important results of this program. It is reflected in teachers by introducing them to the characteristics and advantages of Emirati society, its customs and traditions, and the most prominent noble national values of the UAE, which are known for tolerance and coexistence between different nationalities on the homeland, and they attract a large number of expatriates from most countries of the world; This paves the way for foreign teachers to interact and understand with their students. All participants in the previous courses praised this educational program and considered it a gateway from which they could see the culture of the country and the values of its citizens.
The cultural program lecture deals with the law issued by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State - may God protect him - regarding combating all forms of discrimination and hatred. It is a humanitarian message from the UAE to the whole world, affirming everyone's right to live in safety, security and peace. The law is a true translation of the UAE's approach to equality between people, regardless of their race, religion, or color. This culture was rooted in an early period in the country's life, which presented a unique model of peaceful coexistence between different races and cultures.
In addition to the educational lecture, the program also includes a tour of the National Archives. Participants visit the Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Hall to learn about aspects of the history of the Emirates through the historical documents it contains, represented in treaties and correspondence, photographs, historical maps, heritage collections, and documents that monitor the stages of the establishment of the union. The documents of the hall are a model of the treasures of the National Archives. Among the important historical documents, the participants in the Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Hall for Virtual Reality will watch a 3D historical documentary film about the past and bright present of the United Arab Emirates, and they will also visit the National Archives Library and its printing press.
This cultural program is characterized by strengthening the bonds of communication between teachers, students, and parents. It works to strengthen the school curricula, develop students' patriotism, and positive interaction in the educational process. It aims to introduce new teachers to aspects of the history and heritage of the UAE and some of its societal characteristics, and reveals the best ways to reach students through the customs and traditions of their fathers and grandfathers and their glorious history.
It is worth noting that specialized experts in the National Archives are the ones who provide specialized lectures in its cultural program addressed to foreign teachers. The most prominent of these lectures are: "The UAE is a distinguished cultural experience...the happiest people in the world" and "The Emirates...a distinguished cultural experience". ...and others. The first part of the lecture, which comes at the heart of the program, includes important details of Emirati culture supported by examples, evidence, and proofs. The second part includes the opportunity to discuss and respond to all the participants’ inquiries. The National Archives is keen to ensure that this important cultural program coincides with the beginning of the academic year. In order to shorten the distance between new teachers and The cultural and heritage environment of the country.