The National Archives and Library receives contributions from major international universities to participate in the Second International Translation Conference
A large number of experts and specialists participate in presenting the UAE's image
The Archive and the National Library receive contributions from major international universities to participate in the Second International Translation Conference
More than 70 researchers and specialists will participate in the second international translation conference organized by the Archives and the National Library under the slogan (Translation and Preserving the Memory of the Nation: The Image of the Emirates in Cultures, Literature and International Intellectual Heritage) from May 9-13, 2022.
With this international conference, the Archive and the National Library will continue its role as a beacon for academic research and one of the tributaries of knowledge in translation and publishing. It looks forward to making this conference the most valuable and most important in scientific, academic and professional terms, and it will have a significant impact on the level of scientific and research achievements and the development of the translation movement locally, regionally and internationally.
The Archives and the National Library are keen on making the Second International Translation Conference an extension of what the conference achieved in its first edition. Where he was able to establish his place in the cultural arena, as it attracted researchers from major universities, and resulted in the issuance of a research volume entitled: (The First International Conference on Translation and Archives and the National Library) that includes most of the research that was presented at the First International Conference on Translation and the National Archives and Library, which was held under the slogan "Translation in the Digital Age between Modern Technologies and the Challenges of the Historical Text" The volume exceeds 550 pages, including 27 peer-reviewed papers by specialists, professors, and researchers from major international universities such as Harvard University, the University of California in Los Angeles, the University of Ottawa in Canada, and Queen's University in Ireland. And the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, and many other international universities. This volume provides modern and intensive scientific material that enriches local, regional and international libraries and provides qualitative research and studies for the benefit of postgraduate students in universities and all those interested in translation research in its various branches.
Based on the echo left by the Translation Conference in its first edition, the second edition of the International Translation Conference attracted the attention of researchers, experts and specialists from senior professors in distinguished universities as well, such as: University of Illinois, New York University, University of Central Florida in the United States, and Wilfrid Laurier University. In the state of Ontario in Canada, the University of Mount Allison in the province of New Brunswick in Canada, the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, and the University of Barcelona in Portugal. These specialists and researchers have taken the initiative to send dozens of research papers for publication in the book, which is scheduled to be issued in two volumes after the second conference.
It should be noted that the conference committee has also received research papers for publication submitted by professional translators, professors, and specialists in translation from various universities and research centers in Europe, Australia, India, Indonesia, and some Arab and Gulf countries. It is expected that the conference will result in two research volumes this year due to the increase in the number of participants in the Second International Conference on Translation. The Archive and the National Library will publish the two volumes after the completion of the conference activities, arbitrate the research, and choose the best of them for publication in order to achieve scientific interest and public benefit, and consolidate the position of the archive. And the National Library on the global scientific and academic research map.