The National Archives delivers a lecture on national identity and the values or measures that must be adopted in crisis time
The National Archives delivers a lecture on national identity and the values or measures that must be adopted in crisis time
The National Archives continues delivering its national lectures remotely. In this context, about 130 students from ADNOC Technical Academy followed a national lecture entitled “The National Identity: Values and Duties in Times of Disasters and Crisis”. The lecture comes in line with the national role assumed by the National Archives, as it strives to enhance the values of belonging to the homeland and loyalty to its wise leadership and to instill national identity in students and disseminate civic education among them.
The lecture, delivered by Mohammed Ismail Abdulla, Educational Programs Specialist from the Educational Programs Section at the National Archives, through employing remote communication technology, encouraged the wise response that serves and supports supreme national objectives and the constant efforts to maintain achieved accomplishments in line with the wise UAE leadership directives for future generations' national upbringing and empowerment through education and knowledge to enable them to carry on the UAE sustainable building and development.
The lecture also stressed the importance of displaying wise national sense in dealing with emergencies, crises and disasters at this critical stage and of compliance with the UAE community safety, security and stability policies and precautionary measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 , this mainly depends on well informed and knowledgeable people to achieve targeted objectives.
The lecture tackled the definition of the values of loyalty, belonging and national identity and explained in detail the elements and characteristics of national identity. It also highlighted various types of identities and emphasized the close relationship between the three main national pillars; namely: identity, loyalty and belonging.
The lecture stressed the great importance of the wise leadership's role in instilling national identity in community members and explained in detail the various ways that support sustaining national identity. The lecture quoted words of their Highnesses the Sheikhs at this stage which constitutes part of the nation’s history. Their Highnesses words, serve as a roadmap to this stage, stress the importance of accountability and assuming responsibility in different circumstances and of the values of loyalty and belonging to the homeland, of serving its citizens and seeking to ensure the community security and stability.