The National Archives Gives an Awareness Course to Government Entities on the Importance of Archives Transfer
The National Archives Gives an Awareness Course to Government Entities on the Importance of Archives Transfer
The National Archives organized an online training course entitled “Archives Transfer from Government Entities” which witnessed the participation of a large number of employees from both the federal and local government entities in the UAE. The course is part of the National Archives’ endeavor to impart knowledge about the transfer process of archives and files which ceased to be of immediate use at the creating entity to the National Archives as per Federal Law No. 7 of 2008 concerning the National Archives, its amending laws and by-laws. The course aims at enhancing the National Archives’ efforts in training the archival cadres in the UAE’s government entities and refining their skills.
The virtual training course delivered by Mr. Mohammad Ahmed Al Bishir, Senior Archives Specialist at the National Archives, focused on defining the archives life cycle in government entities and the archives transfer process, highlighting the importance in reducing the volume of inactive archives in the government entities’ offices and controlling the transfer process and the administrative responsibility in preserving documents. The course also explained the criteria for transferring the historical archives, the requirements for the archives transfer in a government entity and the basics of filling in the file transfer schedule and the transfer register.
It is noteworthy that while engaging in organizing the government entities’ archives, the National Archives pays great attention to the sustainability in preserving the historical heritage of the UAE in view of the around-the-clock development it witnesses. The National Archives achieves this by collecting historical documents, educating government employees about the importance of forming and preserving the national asset of archives in accordance with the modern scientific basis.