The National Archives honors the participants in Leadership and Strategic Management Program
The National Archives honors the participants in Leadership and Strategic Management Program
His Excellency Dr. Abdulla El Reyes, Director General of National Archives honored the participants in the training program “Leadership and Strategic Management”. Participants are Directors of National Archives departments. Dr. El Reyes congratulated them for passing the advanced academic program which qualifies them to deal with administrative challenges. He also motivated them to apply the acquired scientific experience in developing the work environment in the National Archives towards further progress and advancement.
H.E. Director General of the National Archives praised the Departments Directors' efforts which are reflected in the N.A.'s successive achievements that benefit all segments of society. They are also shown through the constructive competition among N.A. departments and employees in various fields of achievement. Moreover, H.E emphasized the importance of management as a crucial process necessary for realizing achievement, and of training and its contribution to upgrade qualifications and knowledge at different professional levels.
H.E. Dr. El Reyes illustrated the importance of administrative development to all employees, particularly at this stage where National Archive is well known and popular on both regional and international levels, adding that archiving modern history of the nation requires the N.A.'s great efforts. He also pointed out that the efforts of late founding leader and his founding brothers must be documented and accessible to researchers to produce research compatible with the leadership, contribution and devotion of the establishment and foundation stage.
It is worth noting that research and studies prepared by the participants on the five topics of the training program “Leadership and Strategic Management” are equivalent of the required courses qualifying for masters' degree. The participants were chosen after passing several exams, most important of which is the 360 degrees evaluation. The program qualifies its participants to develop work operation, excel in leadership and overcome administrative challenges facing work progress.