
The National Archives launches a series of training workshops in the run-up to the procedural research competition for teachers

In cooperation with the Ministry of Education in organizing the procedural research competition,

The National Archives launches a series of training workshops in the run-up to the procedural research competition for teachers.

In the context of the procedural research competition for academic staff launched jointly by the NA and Ministry of Education, the NA has announced the kickoff of a series of specialized training workshops for teachers. The two-day procedural research workshops have been held first at Ajman Teachers Training Institute in presence of more than 500 participants. Afterwards, such workshops will continue to be held at the NA premises in Abu Dhabi.

The procedural research competition, which targets all teachers, academic supervisors and training specialists from various specializations and circles in the UAE, is part of the Founding Leader’s Award launched by the Ministry. The award aims at instilling Zayed’s insight and vision in all  the award contestants, so that such insight and vision would become a theoretical and practical model for hard work that results in achieving the goals on the UAE national agenda.

The objective of NA and the Ministry behind the training workshops, at which Mrs. Husniya Al Ali, Head of Educational Programs at the NA, will deliver lectures, is to introduce the participants to the concept of procedural research, the difference between this and other types of research, selection criteria, wording of questions, information sources, types of samples adopted by researchers, as well as research prerequisites, research-related report writing steps, referencing terms, academic writing of research proposal and references, and research evaluation criteria.

The procedural research workshops will cover the statistical tools using SPSS, which is one of the most famous and frequently used software in the statistical software packages, and AMOS.

The NA cooperation with the Ministry of Education in this regard, is based on its keen interest in honing the skills of the UAE teaching staff and distinguished researchers and encouraging them to broaden their knowledge of research methodology, which is instrumental in solving educational problems. In addition, competitions will be held to foster the spirit of initiative and innovation among the teaching staff at the UAE schools, consolidate the procedural research concepts, content and methodology, experiment with and benefit from new ideas and programs, tackle educational issues and enrich libraries with academic studies. Moreover, such studies will be published in academic refereed journals and shared with others in educational forums and cultural conferences at the local and regional levels.

By taking part in this competition, the NA looks forward to fostering national identity, enhancing the sense of belonging to the homeland and allegiance to its wise leadership, together with raising awareness of the history and culture of the UAE society, and improving the educational environment.

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