The National Archives Opens a New Page in Creativity and Innovation Record
Useful Creative Items Recycled from Computers and Their Gears
The National Archives Opens a New Page in Creativity and Innovation Record
Believing that creativity is a lifestyle, the IT section of the National Archives took the initiative to introduce creative ideas by making some items that are useful in form, function, and purposeful aesthetic national implications.
Regarding the IT section staff members’ efforts, Mr. Hamad Al Mutairi, the Acting Director of the Archives Department who originated the idea, said, “We wanted to turn damaged and expired computers and their gears into refined, useful art. We organized a number of brainstorming sessions during the second half of last year, 2015, and we concluded that it was for the section employees to employ their spare time in creative smart ideas to recycle damaged computers and gears to utilize them, they crafted their inventive ideas at their homes, as they did not find spare time at work. I highly appreciate this initiative. This has created a competitive environment, which made the IT department more like a unique art gallery, with a collection made of recycled and damaged computers. The gallery is of a technological nature with some aesthetic and national insinuations. This achievement would not have been possible without the encouragement received from the National Archives' senior management”. Some of the inventions that were displayed in the IT section include the following:
Smart glasses, which are at the forefront of these inventions. The IT technicians have downloaded photo recognition technology and other special software to enable the Google Glasses to recognize photos each of which is linked to its respective data or to some documentaries. Thus, Google Glasses substitute photo gallery guides offering ample information on each exhibited image or photo. There is also Abu Al Areif, designed as a human being whose head is made out of a computer screen and whose hand, which forms the win, victory, and love three-fingered salute, is made out of a keyboard. His costume is relevant to the occasion on which he displays documentaries related to electronic archiving and national events.
Other objects created from recycled computers include two wall clocks made out of two CDs and a motherboard, a U.A.E. map, a desk cardholder, a flashlight, and other aesthetic forms such as a scorpion made out of a computer mouse and a keyboard. There is also a decorative plane, a censer, a small robot, and numerous U.A.E. flags designed from wires and obsolete floppy disks.
It is worth mentioning that some of the National Archives staff members have requested to purchase these artifacts masterfully made from recycled computer materials.