The National Archives participates in new book publications in Abu Dhabi, and dedicates a corner of the Year of Tolerance to the “Inspirational Stories” initiative
His publications document the nation's march, and his initiatives instill values and promote loyalty and belonging
The National Archives participates in new book publications in Abu Dhabi, and dedicates a corner of the Year of Tolerance to the “Inspirational Stories” initiative
The National Archives is participating in the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair in its twenty-ninth edition, which will be held from 24-30 April 2019. The National Archives displays in its booth at the exhibition a large number of its publications that document the history and heritage of the UAE and the Gulf region, and the biographies of the great leaders who immortalized their fingerprints in the field. They presented it to their homelands, led by the founding leader, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - may God rest his soul in peace. The National Archives will, throughout the days of the exhibition, introduce the public to its great role in collecting and preserving the memory of the nation for generations, and what it provides to researchers, academics and students of documented historical information that contributes to strengthening loyalty and belonging. For the homeland.
The National Archives provides readers and visitors to the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair this year with a number of modern titles represented in the book “Zayed Awards and Decorations”, the book “Their Memory is Our History”, the book “History of Legislation in the United Arab Emirates” and the book “The Historical Development of the Judiciary in the UAE”.
The National Archives pavilion includes a special corner for the "Inspiring Stories" initiative, which it launched in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, which works to instill national values and moral knowledge in the hearts of generations, and aims to deepen the principle of tolerance and voluntary community service for them.
In this regard, the National Archives enriches its pavilion in the exhibition with photographs of senior UAE leaders, which are displayed for the first time, and with pictures of the founding leader, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - may God rest his soul in peace - showing some of his efforts in the framework of tolerance under the slogan of the Year of Tolerance. Visitors to the pavilion can hear Sheikh Zayed's sayings about tolerance. And the National Archives continues to broadcast it to give the place a national character and to perfume the place with some of the wise sayings of the Arabs.
This participation comes in line with the approach of the National Archives in its active presence in major forums that serve its goals in spreading the history and documented heritage of the Emirates among the cultural community, including researchers, academics and students. Recording the history and heritage of the Emirates on the historical documents and records in his possession.
The National Archives takes advantage of the book fair days to present to the public the “Inspirational Stories” initiative to instill in the hearts of our students moral values, foremost of which is the value of tolerance, at a time when the United Arab Emirates is a unique model of tolerance and civilized coexistence between different nationalities and religions. Sheikh Zayed worked – May God rest his soul - since assuming power to spread the seeds of tolerance and love.
And since the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair works to enhance the sustainability of knowledge and the promotion of cultural renaissance, the National Archives participates in it through its contributions to preserving the history of the country and the heritage of the ancestors in dozens of its publications that will be passed down through generations to reinforce in the souls identity and patriotism, belonging to the homeland and loyalty to its wise leadership.
The National Archives invites the audience and participants of the exhibition to visit its pavilion to find cultural and intellectual creativity that enhances national values and knowledge among members of society, and contributes to the continuation of the UAE as a center of cultural and civilizational radiance.
It should be noted that the National Archives will launch its new publications in its stand participating in the exhibition, which is located in the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center, booth No. ICC4 - A17, and will be open from 24-30 April 2019 daily from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. :00 p.m., and on Friday: from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.