
The National Library and Archives Announces the Abu Dhabi Scholarships Program and Extends the Participating Papers submission deadline

The National Library and Archives Announces the Abu Dhabi Scholarships Program and Extends the Participating Papers submission deadline
To encourage participation in the International Council on Archives Congress, Abu Dhabi.
The National Library and Archives announced the extension of the deadline for the submission of research-papers for the International Council on Archives Congress, Abu Dhabi until March 2, 2023, to provide further opportunity for specialized research that shall enrich the Congress, held in Abu Dhabi under the theme "Enriching Knowledge Societies" from 9-13 October.
The participating research-papers should include the five sub-themes approved by the conference organizing committee, namely: Peace and tolerance, Emerging technologies: electronic records and electronic solutions,
Sustainable knowledge and sustainable planet: Archives, records, and climate change,
Trust and evidence,
Access and memories, in addition to other contemporary or future challenges facing the archives industry.
To further encourage various parties to participate in the International Council on Archives Congress, Abu Dhabi, the organizing committee announced  the funding of the Abu Dhabi Scholarship Program 2023 for 300 participants to travel to Abu Dhabi and attend the International Council on Archives Congress activities next October, in order to further promote scientific interest and advance Arab and international archives, as well as cultural heritage preservation methods, and to allow access to the world human heritage in accordance with the latest adopted standards and practices, to lay foundations for a diverse well-presented society in the ICA Congress, and to benefit the archives’ professionals and specialists through world leading experts and specialists’ distinguished experience exchange at the International Council on Archives Congress, Abu Dhabi.
The National Library and Archives provided access to details on each of the themes through the following link: https://abudhabi2023.ae/ar/sub-themes-ar/
The organizing committee shall receive participants’ papers via: https://www.openconf.org/ICAAbuDhabi2020/openconf.php,  
and shall receive suggestions, proposals and queries via the following e-mail: programme@ica.org
The organizing committee held a webinar on February 23, 2023 that included detailed explanation of travelling to Abu Dhabi, and addressed all queries relating to the UAE capital.
It is noteworthy that the scholarship program registration shall start from March 2023, and shall be announced on the website: www.abudhabi2023.ae
 An online application form shall be available on the website, with full explanation of the evaluation and selection process for all interested parties.

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