The National Library and Archives focuses on artificial intelligence techniques in the field of translation.
The National Library and Archives focuses on artificial intelligence techniques in the field of translation.
At its Third International Translation Conference, perceiving "Technology as a Fast Bridge to the Future".
The National Library and Archives third international translation conference, held at its headquarters in Abu Dhabi during the period from (8-9) March 2023, shall focus on artificial intelligence great impact on translation, and the role of modern technology in machine translation development, taking into consideration that researchers and specialists shall present at the conference thirty research papers highlighting the artificial intelligence role in translation development.
The National Library and Archives' great interest in this conference, which will be held under the theme "Artificial Intelligence, Translation and the Enrichment of National Libraries", stems from the constant evolution of machine translation, and the NLA’s firm belief that it is a prime cross-culture and border tributary nourishing universal thought.
Thirty translation researchers and specialists including university professors and other professionals with international translation experience shall participate in this specialized international conference, including 12 researchers from the UAE and 18 from abroad.
On the importance of this conference, His Excellency Abdullah Majed Al Ali, Director General of the National Library and Archives said: "The combination of translation with modern technologies, and artificial intelligence, along with the development of social media virtual platforms – resulted in achieving quantum translation leaps. The openness to technological media, programs and curricula’s modern information systems development methods which have strongly invaded the translation field resulted in enhancing translation efficiency and flexibility, and in its contribution to improving performance, production and achieving the desired goals that match the developments and meet potential challenges.
He added: " The National Library and Archives attached great importance to the power of knowledge and to keeping pace with the world technology and artificial intelligence, it keeps pace with these societies’ transformation towards knowledge societies, and the economy’s quantum leap towards a knowledge economy. This aims at perceiving the future as we proceed towards the UAE centenary where our nation aspires to take the lead in various fields, especially the field of knowledge production, localization and employment, and to establish its basic pillars including education, scientific research and innovation, information technology and communication development, and an interest in various languages and translation. The UAE was one of the first countries to implement the civilizational and human transformation from an information society to a knowledge society, then to innovation society.
"In line with our wise leadership’s aspirations perceiving technology as the bridge to the future, the National Library and Archives attached great interest to the importance of artificial intelligence media, especially in the field of translation. Accordingly, the National Library and Archives Third International Translation Conference focused on Studies and research related to the artificial intelligence techniques and their optimal employment in the field of translation to empower translators and enhance their translation skills and experience, which paves their way towards achieving a knowledge economy.