The National Library and Archives organized a Customers’ Forum which resulted in generating various development ideas.
The National Library and Archives organized a Customers’ Forum which resulted in generating various development ideas.
The Forum presented the NLA services, strategic plan, new corporate brand, and customer’s charter.
The National Library and Archives organized the Customers’ Forum under the slogan “Customer comes First” to enhance its community participation with its customers, introduce them to the latest developments, and to employ their comments or suggestions in the development of provided services.
His Excellency Abdulla Majed Al Ali, Director General of the National Library and Archives, delivered the forum’s opening speech in which he stressed that the forum is an available platform that welcomes participants’ comments and suggestions to improve the provided services and their quality, and aims at exchanging views that contribute to the National Library and Archives’ various work fields development.
H.E. pointed out the importance of this forum, which coincides with the launch of the National Library and Archives’ new strategy uptill 2032, in light of which the National Library and Archives shall approve its provided proactive public services.
His Excellency encouraged the forum’s participants to present their creative and innovative ideas that will surely have a positive impact in the next stage, in which the National Library and Archives aims to organize various evening events to maximize its customers and audience’s benefit from this renowned institution which preserves the memory of the nation, and which shall be the largest keeper of the UAE cultural heritage.
The forum shed light on the encyclopedia of the UAE history and its significance in the UAE glorious history and ancient heritage. The participating attendees commended this leading project, which constitutes a main and a preferred source and reference for researchers, scholars, academics and the general public, and shall similarly be a source of pride for all UAE citizens and residents.
The forum introduced the National Library and Archives’ strategic plan and new corporate brand. Moreover, It briefed the participating audience on its next stage mission, which is to preserve the documentary heritage through its collection, preservation and accessibility to empower knowledge societies and on its vision to further inspire and enrich these knowledge societies. The Forum also introduced and briefed the participating audience on the new corporate brand or logo, which captures and reflects all communication forms’ strength and potential. It also reflects the National Library and Archives’ keen interest in the UAE ancient and glorious history, in protecting the legacy of the fathers and forefathers, and in highlighting its aspirations and objectives in the next stage.
The forum presented the National Library and Archives’ various departments’ provided services respectively, starting with the Corporate and Community Outreach Department, then the Research and Knowledge Services Department, and finally the Archives Department. It also tackled and stressed the nine new services provided to the public.
The forum discussed the Customer Service Charter, as an official document indicating the extent of the National Library and Archives’ commitment to its customer service in accordance with the government approved and adopted service evaluation and assessment standards.
The forum included a National Library and Archives services workshop, in which the participants presented their creative comments and suggestions, pointing out the importance of newspapers and magazines’ electronic search, and establishing a special section dedicated to the study of the UAE history under the supervision of the National Library and Archives. The Forum participants stressed the importance of the Emirati character’s presence and representation in this valuable and rich historic encyclopedia.