The National Library and Archives reaching out to more than 12 thousand beneficiaries through the Reading Month events
Organizing more than 370 reading events and activities,
The National Library and Archives reaching out to more than 12 thousand beneficiaries through the Reading Month events
The National Library and Archives concluded the Reading Month with more than 370 events and activities, reaching out to 12,400 beneficiaries. This cultural and knowledge momentum is due to its belief that reading is the fundamental means to achieve sustainable knowledge development.
There were diverse events and activities including symposiums, exhibitions, knowledge programs, cultural competitions, book fairs, lectures and reading workshops, school trips, etc.
The NLA’s program was intensive and diverse in order to enhance the culture and sustainability of reading due to its vital role in broadening knowledge and enhancing the quality of life. In addition, the program is aimed to be in line with the national reading strategy and to contribute to the increase of the society members’ knowledge.
The NLA diversified the Reading Month events and emphasized the importance of reading and its sustainability in accordance with the announcement of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the UAE President, that 2023 will be the Year of Sustainability in the UAE. It also aimed to maintain knowledge and culture development sustainability through its inspiring initiatives, efforts and strategies in this field.
The NLA’s events included a number of symposiums, most prominently the 6th Emirates Libraries Symposium under the theme of “Bright Examples of the UAE Libraries in 50 Years”, in which a large number of researchers, intellectuals and specialists participated. During the symposium, the NLA launched a survey that is the first of its kind about the UAE libraries, and it is carried out by experts and specialists in library science. They came up with a report and an analysis and description of the current status of the libraries in the UAE. The symposium included three specialized academic sessions.
In addition, the national Reading Month included several cultural seminars organized within the context of the NLA’s cultural seasons along with many internal educational visits and reading competitions that attracted a large number of participants.
The NLA participated in the book fair, organized by the Ministry of Culture of Youth, with community events for the Reading Month. A variety of publications of some organizations were provided for nominal prices to foster the culture of reading. The NLA has also organized an exhibition at the Spanish School. This is in addition to organizing a book fair in its headquarters to sell books to employees and visitors. Five publishing houses participated in this book fair, which lasted for three days and received more than 600 visitors. It coincided with three events that were held at the NLA’s headquarters.
In the same context, the NLA organized more than 370 workshops, benefiting more than 223 organizations. The reading marathon included over 100 events. The Reading Month festival included more than 30 events, 234 reading workshops, 4 cultural competitions and 12 workshops related to the “The Authors of the 71” initiative, which unleashes the students’ potentials and exceptional talents for literary writing as they are the homeland’s hope for the next fifty years.
The Reading Month had a big share in the community events, which the NLA participated in or organized in March.
To promote the Reading Month, the NLA joined the press conference held by the Ministry of Culture and Youth at Mohammed Bin Rashid Library where it announced its events and activities along with its participation with events in collaboration with Sharjah Media Corporation, Ministry of Culture and Youth platform and the NLA’s and partners’ social media platforms.