نوفمبر 29, 2021

The National Archives celebrates the 50th UAE National Day

The National Archives celebrated the 50th UAE National Day. On this occasion, H.E. Abdullah Majid Al Ali,  Acting Director General of the National Archives, confirmed in his speech that the National Archives will make its next stage a golden stage  full of achievement and giving in all areas related to its vision, mission, objectives and tasks, in order to relentlessly keep pace with the development and progress witnessed by the international archives, and guided by our with leadership’s visions, and the ten national principles for the next 50 years, approved by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed al-Nahyan.
His Excellency congratulated our wise leadership and the people of the UAE, and renewed commitment to continue giving and achieving so that our precious Emirates remains in the forefront.
His Excellency said: “We will remain one hand in the light of the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Presidential Affairs, and we will continue to enjoy his precious trust”. He praised the follow up of the National Archives’ Board of Directors, chaired by H.E. Hamad Abdul Rahman Al-Madfaa, pointing out that it spares no effort so that the National Archives achieves further success and excellence on the local, Arab and international levels.
He affirmed meeting the challenges of the next phase, which will witness various strategic projects, notably the National Archives and the National Library merger and the emanating new strategies, in addition to other important projects which contribute to the National Archives’ workflow. They include smart empowerment and digital transformation of all services, activation of key tasks in competitive and innovative ways,  participation and integration with the government and private sector to implement transformational projects, in addition to preparing cadres,  attracting  talents,  focusing on quality of life, research services and knowledge lectures, providing proactive services, and interacting with the community through different events.
The National Day ceremony was held at the Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Hall at the National Archives in the presence of its departments’ directors, staff members, and a number of guests.
The UAE’s national anthem was played first and then a documentary, which urged action and concerted efforts in the next 50 years so that the UAE can continue its successful march and maintain its outstanding rank among the countries of the world.
Then, Mr. Hamad Al-Mutairi, Director of the Archives Department shed light on the contents of the virtual Exhibition of the UAE’s Establishment, which the National Archives will launch on a special page on the digital portal website of the Arabian Gulf Digital Archive (AGDA). The exhibition showcases three phases: the first of which is the Pre-Union between (1968 -1971), and it   includes initiatives that heralded the foundation of the Union. The second phase depicts the Union and contains relevant documents and multimedia featuring flag-raising, conventions and the Founding fathers’ efforts and achievements. It introduces each of those great men, displaying their pictures and profiles.
The third phase of the exhibition extends from 1971- 2021 and contains a chronological order documenting each year with pictures, documents, documentaries, and other archival materials available at the National Archives. The exhibition also includes audio recordings of the Founder and Builder, the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan talking about the union, its goals and aspirations.
The ceremony attendants watched Shaima Al Mughairi, as she created the story of Arqoub Al Sedira in sand drawing, depicting the Union from the beginning up until the development and prosperity of the UAE.
On this occasion, H.E. the Director General of the National Archives honored the staff members who received the Doctoral Degree, the long-serving employees, and the dedicated workers who served the National Archives.

نوفمبر 27, 2021

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نوفمبر 27, 2021

The UAE National Archives and the Russian Government Archives discuss strengthening cooperation and exchange of experiences.

The National Archives held a virtual meeting with its counterpart the Russian Government Archives, via Zoom, discussing ways of cooperation and the role and tasks of each side, ways to strengthen future relations, and a visit by a delegation from the Russian archives to the UAE soon.
H.E. Abdullah Majid Al Ali, Acting Director General of the National Archives, opened the meeting with a word in which he pointed out his interest in sharing experiences and knowledge in document management and archiving, and to exchange visits to learn about  the practices and mechanisms used in organizing and managing archival holdings and methods of long-term historical record-keeping as well as the techniques used to maintain and make them available.
His Excellency pointed out that the UAE National Archives is currently witnessing various developments, the most important of which is the National Archives and the National Library merger. He thanked His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Al Jaber, the UAE Ambassador to the Russian Federation, and His Deputy, His Excellency Hamad Al-Habsi, for coordinating this fruitful meeting, stressing the importance of signing a memorandum of understanding between the two archives.
Then, Mr. Hamad Al-Mutairi, Director of the Archives Department of the National Archives, gave a presentation in which he introduced the National Archives, its mission, vision and objectives, and its role in organizing archives in government agencies considering the articles of Federal Law No. 7 of 2008 and its executive regulations, and the role played by the Centre for Preservation and Restoration in preserving and restoring documents. He also pointed out the importance of the Arabian Gulf Digital Archive and its contents, and the cooperation between the National Archives and the Sorbonne University in qualifying archivists, and in academic studies specialized in documents and archiving.
Ms. Larissa Alexandrov, Deputy Head of the Government Archives of the Russian Federation, thanked the Director General of   the National Archives for inviting the Russian Archive to visit the UAE, and indicated her interest in learning more about the UAE National Archives. She also stressed the importance of bilateral cooperation and discussion of archiving issues.
  Ms. Larissa Alexandrov said that the Russian Government Archives seeks to preserve archival documents for future generations and make them accessible to the public. In her presentation, she shed light on the Russian Archives, noting that it contains seven million historical records, and historical government documents dating back to the 19th century. She pointed out that Law No. 125 issued by the Ministry of Justice regulates the Work of the Russian Archives, which continues its efforts to digitize its contents of which more than 90% have been completed.
She noted that the Russian Archives’ publications are issued in collaboration with federal archives and with scientific and academic institutions, and that it is now working on a project to establish a platform for World War II documents. She also indicated that the large building of the Russian Government Archive contains a reading room and an exhibition hall, and that its repositories are crammed with collections adding that they are in the process of building a new government archive building.
The meeting was attended by H.E. Hamad Al-Habsi, UAE Deputy Ambassador   to the Russian Federation, and a large number of officials from the UAE National Archives, the Russian Government Archives and the UAE Embassy in the Russian Federation.

نوفمبر 25, 2021

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نوفمبر 25, 2021

In preparation for the 50th, the National Archives reviews the success stories of leading digital transformation projects and organizes its first forum on the occasion of International Project Management Day.

The National Archives organized a virtual forum in collaboration with the     UAE Project Management Foundation to celebrate the International Project Management Day under the theme "Digital Transformation Projects in Government in Preparation for the 50th, Success Stories and Lessons Learned". The forum is in line with the seventh principle adopted by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, and calls for the country’s digital, technical and scientific excellence, as its wise leadership aspires to make it the global capital of the future.
His Excellency Abdullah Majid Al Ali, Acting Director General of the National Archives, opened the forum with a speech, in which he emphasized the importance of this forum’s contents in supporting the path of the 50th projects to achieve promising future economic and development leaps in the next 50 years in the country. He also stressed that the forum would support the exceptional role of project management led by the advance of the digital transformation in the UAE, placing it among the world’s leading countries in this field.
His Excellency pointed out that the Global Competitiveness Index shows significant facts, as the UAE ranked first in the list of the best countries in electronic infrastructure in the world, and 13th in terms of digital quality of life in 2020.
He welcomed the participants in the forum and stressed that its role is to highlight the best local practices in the field of digital transformation, which set example in the use of technology and artificial intelligence and its impact on improving the quality of life and providing an integrated experience in the UAE.
The forum began with a word by His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Al Rida, President of the Global Project Management Institute. He said that the UAE is no stranger to excellence, and it is familiar with excellence in the digital project management, and he encouraged majoring in rare academic studies.
His Excellency Brigadier Matar Al-Saadi, Director of Information Technology at the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security, reviewed the success stories, lessons learned and summary of the digital transformation project for the authority’s services. Moreover, he elucidated the study conducted on the project, the challenges, and the sustainable solutions developed by the committees. He touched on the implementation of the project and taking advantage of artificial intelligence techniques. He also pointed out the project value to the of customer service framework. Finally, he spoked about the aspirations of the authority in the next stage.
Lt. Colonel Dr. Nasser Mohammed Al-Saadi, Head of the Development and Change Department, and the Artificial Intelligence Adviser at the Abu Dhabi Police General Command, spoke about the development and change system in the Abu Dhabi Police, the development and change management, their importance and the mechanism of action, innovation and looking ahead.
  He concluded by reviewing the most important success stories including the artificial intelligence strategy, the flexible organizational structures, the safe city, the curbing of the Covid-19 pandemic, the decision-making support system, and the social safety and well-being platform.
Dr. Ibrahim Hassan Khaja, Director of Human Resources Department at Abu Dhabi Customs, explained that the strategic transformation of the General Administration of Customs in Abu Dhabi began in 2019 with the development of a vision, mission, values and strategic objectives.
He said: The journey of digital transformation of human resources in the General Administration of Customs in Abu Dhabi plays an important role in enriching the overall strategic transformation of customs.
The forum, organized by the National Archives via video conferencing in accordance with precautionary procedures, concluded with Q&A.

نوفمبر 24, 2021

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نوفمبر 24, 2021

الأرشيف الوطني والسوربون يخرجان الدفعة السادسة من طلبة الشهادة المهنية في إدارة الوثائق والأرشيف

بالتزامن مع احتفالات الدولة بعام الخمسين وإنجازاته
الأرشيف الوطني والسوربون يخرجان الدفعة السادسة من طلبة الشهادة المهنية في إدارة الوثائق والأرشيف

احتفل الأرشيف الوطني التابع لوزارة شؤون الرئاسة، وجامعة السوربون أبوظبي بتخريج الدفعة السادسة من طلبة الشهادة المهنية في إدارة الوثائق والأرشيف، وذلك بمقر جامعة السوربون- أبوظبي، بالتزامن مع احتفالات الدولة بعام الخمسين الذي حققت فيه دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة العديد من الإنجازات المهمة بفضل رؤى وتوجيهات قيادتها الرشيدة، وتأتي أهمية هذا الحفل تعبيراً عن إيمان الأرشيف الوطني وجامعة السوربون أبوظبي بأهمية رأس المال البشري وتطوير التعليم والحفاظ على أصحاب التخصصات، وهذا ينسجم مع المبدأ الرابع من المبادئ العشرة التي اعتمدها صاحب السمو الشيخ خليفة بن زايد آل نهيان رئيس الدولة، حفظه الله، للخمسين عاماً القادمة.
افتتح حفل تخريج الدفعة السادسة من طلبة الشهادة المهنية في إدارة الوثائق والأرشيف بكلمة سعادة عبد الله ماجد آل علي مدير عام الأرشيف الوطني بالإنابة، وقال فيها: يفخر الأرشيف الوطني بتعاونه المثمر مع جامعة السوربون أبوظبي، وقد أسفر هذا التعاون عن الشهادة المهنية في إدارة الوثائق والأرشيف، وبكالوريوس إدارة الوثائق وعلم الأرشيف، وماجستير إدارة الوثائق ودراسات الأرشيف، وها هي الشهادة المهنية تحتفي بخريجي الدفعة السادسة مؤكدة نجاح برنامجها التأهيلي في هذا المجال.
وأكد سعادته التزام الأرشيف الوطني بدعم جميع أوجه التعاون في البرامج المشتركة مع جامعة السوربون أبوظبي، مشيراً إلى أن خريجي الشهادة ونتيجة متابعتهم البرنامج التأهيلي بجوانبه النظرية والتطبيقية المكثفة سوف يكونوا قادرين على تحقيق إضافات ونجاحات مشهودة في مجال إدارة الوثائق والأرشيف.
واختتم كلمته بتهنئة الخريجين وأمنياته لهم بمزيد من التوفيق والإنجاز في أماكن عملهم.
وأشادت البروفيسورة سيلفيا سيرانو مديرة جامعة السوربون أبوظبي بالدور الذي يؤديه الأرشيف الوطني من أجل تأهيل المتخصصين في مجال الأرشفة والتوثيق على طريق حفظ الرصيد الوثائقي لدولة الإمارات.
وقالت: تضع جامعة السوربون أبوظبي الطلبة على رأس أولوياتها، ولهذا حرصت الجامعة على التعاون مع مؤسسات ريادية كالأرشيف الوطني وتوفير برامج فريدة من نوعها تلبي احتياجات سوق العمل، وتسهم في تطوير وتأهيل المهنيين والمختصين.  
وألقت سابين سكيوغتينو المستشار الأول نائب رئيس البعثة من السفارة الفرنسية كلمة شكرت فيها الأرشيف الوطني وجامعة السوربون على هذا البرنامج الذي يؤهل مزيداً من الأرشيفيين المدربين والمهرة.
وقالت: نحن سعداء جداً بنجاح هذا البرنامج الأكاديمي في إدارة الوثائق والأرشيف الذي يمثل العلاقة الاستثنائية بين جامعة السوربون أبوظبي والأرشيف الوطني، وبين دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة وفرنسا.
وأكدت سكيوغتينو أنها لمست اهتمام دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بمجال الأرشفة والتوثيق كما هو الحال في فرنسا التي اهتمت بهذا المجال في وقت مبكر، وأشارت إلى أن اهتمام الإمارات يتجلى بتشييد الأرشيف الوطني الذي تأسس في عام 1968 بتوجيه من الباني والمؤسس الشيخ زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان طيب الله ثراه.
وشكرت القائمين على هذا البرنامج والمشرفين عليه، وتمنت للمشاركين فيه النجاح والتميز.
في غضون ذلك قام سعادة عبد الله ماجد آل علي تشاركه سيلفيا سيرانو بتكريم الخريجين فرداً فرداً.
الجدير بالذكر أنه قد حضر حفل التخريج من الأرشيف الوطني، كل من: السيد حمد المطيري مدير إدارة الأرشيفات، والسيد فرحان المرزوقي مدير إدارة التواصل المؤسسي والمجتمعي، والسيدة سلمى المنصوري مدير إدارة الخدمات المساندة، والسيدة سمر المشجري مدير مكتب التخطيط الاستراتيجي، وعدد كبير من الموظفين والمسؤولين، ومن جامعة السوربون حضر كل من: الدكتور يان روديير رئيس قسم التاريخ، والأستاذ كريستوفر كريبس مدير إدارة التنمية الدولية، والدكتورة ماري سيلين دانيال نائب رئيس الجامعة للتعليم المستمر.

الأرشيف الوطني
تأسس الأرشيف الوطني لدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بوزارة شؤون الرئاسة عام 1968 بناءً على توجيهات المغفور له- بإذن الله- الشيخ زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان، بهدف جمع وتوثيق كل ما يخصّ تاريخ وتراث دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة ومنطقة الخليج. وبعد أربعين سنةً من تأسيسه أصدر صاحب السمو الشيخ خليفة بن زايد آل نهيان ـ حفظه اللّه ـ القانون الاتحادي رقم 7 لسنة 2008 بتحويله إلى المركز الوطني للوثائق والبحوث، وأنيطت به مهام تنظيم أرشيفات الجهات الحكومية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، وقد تمّ تعديل تسمية (المركز الوطني للوثائق والبحوث) إلى (الأرشيف الوطني) وفق القانون الاتحادي رقم 1 لعام 2014م الذي أصدره صاحب السمو الشيخ خليفة بن زايد آل نهيان رئيس الدولة حفظه الله.

نوفمبر 17, 2021

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نوفمبر 17, 2021

The National Emergency, Crisis and disasters Management Authority delegation pays an inspection visit to the National Archives' Center for preservation and Restoration Building
The National Archives takes its Center for Preservation and Restoration as its business continuity Facility.

The National Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Management Authority’s delegation was briefed on the National Archives’ Center for Preservation and Restoration building’s high equipment, preparedness and readiness, which makes it a secure and safe environment including all necessary requirements and conditions for a proper work environment in accordance with national standards for business continuity management. This came after an inspection visit by a team of the National Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Management Authority specialists to the National archives’ Center for Preservation and Restoration in Mafraq, in Abu Dhabi.
The visiting delegation inspected the Center for Preservation and Restoration’s various units, beginning with the large stores and repositories equipped with the latest technologies and employing the best globally adopted practices for the preservation of historical documents transferred from the various UAE government entities’ archives to the National Archives, then to the restoration laboratory for frail or perishable valuable and vital historical documents for their restoration and life span expansion due to their historical value. The delegation was briefed on document digitization techniques, microfilm or microfiche preservation methods, and documents high-resolution and definition digital or electronic scanning, and allowing research fields access to all interested parties to utilize and benefit from the National Archives acquired information or material in documenting the UAE history. The delegation members were also briefed on Perishable historical document management and restoration techniques.
On this inspection visit, His Excellency Abdullah Majid Al Ali, Acting Director General of the National Archives, said: The National Archives attaches great importance to the business continuity system as part of the integrated management system concerned with the National Archives monitoring, reviewing, and management development, operation, and improving its timely, efficient and effective service provision ability in times of crisis, disasters and emergencies.
He added that Business Continuity Management System confirms our compliance to our wise leadership’s directives fostering human life preservation, and ensuring business continuity of concerned authorities which contribute to the integration of the preparedness and readiness system, especially since this is a key part and requirement of the integrated management system.
On this occasion, His Excellency Saif Mohammed Arhama Al Shamsi, Deputy Director General of the National Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Management Authority, stated that the National Archives role in documenting the UAE history contributed to shedding light on many intellectual, cultural, political and social aspects and achievements supported business continuity system, and that such information is vitally important and supports the wise leadership’s vision for preserving the UAE accomplishments and achievements to produce an enlightened generation that well knows its past to continue the ongoing development and future shaping process.
His Excellency added: The cooperation between the National Archives and the National Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management Authority is an essential and key step in emergency and crisis management, especially in the fields of research and studies concerned with potential risks and challenges the UAE might face. This reinforces the proactive approach, awareness of and lessons learned from past experiences, and full future preparedness.
It is noteworthy that the National Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Management Authority delegation’s visit came with an aim to fully prepare the Center for Preservation and Restoration as an alternative or substitute National Archives headquarters or facility for business continuity in times of need or whenever necessary.

The National Archives:
The National Archives of the United Arab Emirates was established under the Ministry of Presidential Affairs in 1968 upon the directives of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, with the aim of collecting and documenting information relating to the history and heritage of the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf region. Forty years after its inception, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE issued Federal Law No. 7 of 2008 transforming its name to be the National Center for Documentation and Research, entrusted with the task of organizing UAE government entities’ archives, later its name was changed to be the National Archives in accordance with Federal Law No. 1 of 2014 issued by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

نوفمبر 15, 2021

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نوفمبر 13, 2021

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نوفمبر 13, 2021

A New Publication by the National Archives signed in Sharjah Book 2021
Watan Min Zhahab (A Homeland Made of Gold), the UAE’s football from commencement to achievements

The National Archives organized a book signing ceremony for the documentary book Watan Min Zhahab (A Homeland Made of Gold) at Sharjah Book Fair 2021. It is the latest National Archives’ publication concurrently with the preparation for the 50th National Day, celebrated on December 2, 2021. The book confirms that the National Archives has been documenting all walks of life in the UAE since the pre-union stage, making all information available to researchers, and preserving it for future generations. Against this background, it published Watan Min Zhahab, which is a detailed account of the UAE’s football story from commencement to achievements, shedding light on various stations, circumstances, and stories, supported by unique photos depicting the history of the Emirati football.
H.E. Saqr Ghabash, President of the Federal National Council, wrote the book ‘s introduction, in which he pointed out that the book is an important documentation of the Emirati football from its commencement up until its coronation.
In his word entitled "A Blessed March", Mr. Mohammed Aljoker, author of the book, said he was proud that the publication coincided with the UAE’s 50th anniversary, expressing  his happiness  with this national documentary work. He praised the good efforts of the government in supporting sport and providing everything it  needs.
The 460-page and14-chapter book began with the names of leaders who instilled the love of sport in the heart of the people, led by the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan, and the names of the men who made the history of UAE football, and it featured rare historical photos documenting a unique success story that has become a lesson for generations.
Chapter Two entitled "Father Zayed" presents various timeless stances taken by Hakim al-Arab in all aspects of life locally and internationally, especially in the field of sports, which received his attention and care and witnessed a quantum leap under his reign. The chapter also reviewed the national team's triumphant march and its most prominent achievement qualifying for the 1990 World Cup.
Chapter Three entitled "From the Sea and Sailors, Football with Trade" pointed out the commencement stage, and the story of the arrival of football in the Emirates by English steamers ninety-two years ago. Chapter Four entitled “Beginning of the Story” documented the official football activity before the launch of the first edition of the season league (1973-1974) and its organization stage.
Chapter Five entitled "Men Who Excelled in Every Field" shed light on a number of the most prominent pioneer athletes and administrators, who had a positive impact on the sport movement since its inception, notably the late Sheikh Rashid Al Maktoum, and H.H. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Chapter Six, "Presidents", is devoted to the Union stage monitoring the Emirates Football Association establishment stage, starting with the presidency of the late Sheikh Mubarak Bin Mohammed Al Nahyan, passing through all the presidents, up until the current stage headed by Sheikh Rashid Bin Humaid Al Nuaimi.
Chapter Seven focused on the most famous coaches and the accomplishments, supported with historical photos featuring the various stages. Chapter Eight, "Stars Etched in Memory", documents and chronicles the history of the Emirati sports stars for the past 50 years.
 Chapter Nine "In the World Cup, We Had Stories," related thirty-one year old stories which the UAE joyfully experienced when the national team qualified for the 1990 World Cup in Italy.
Chapter Ten focused on the "Journey of Professionalism" at a turning point in the football career after the establishment of the Professional League Committee in 2008 through to declaring the Professional League an institutional entity in 2019.
"Champions and Championships" is the title of Chapter Eleven, which contains the story of the league shield, which has been won by seven football clubs. The first pro league champion was Shabab Al- Ahli, whereas Al Ain won the title thirteen times, in addition to the top scorers of the first division championship and the pro league. It also shed light on the UAE’s President’s Cup, the 50th Cup champions, Al-Jazira Club as the Pro league Champion, Shabab Al-Ahli as champion of three titles and Al-Orooba Club as the champion of the first division.

The twelfth chapter entitled “Achievements Speak for Themselves” contains the lessons which the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan developed to guide citizens to success, and the precise details of the wise leadership’s support that paved the way for attainment and triumph over challenges. Furthermore, this chapter also touched on the local and international accomplishments which both Al Jazeera Club and the English Manchester City Club made under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. It also highlighted the facilities and sports stadiums in the country.
Chapter 13 reviewed the historical relations between the UAE and other states from the beginning on the sports level. It concluded with a chapter entitled "The Pioneers of the Homeland", which highlighted the honoring received by our most distinguished stars throughout different times from our wise leadership. It also highlighted the role of the National Archives which performs its mission in providing decision makers and the public with documented and trusted information.

It is worth mentioning that Watan Min Zhahab (A Homeland Made from Gold), published by the National Archives, is the 16th book by Mohammed Aljoker, who is known for his efforts in serving the country in the field of documentation of UAE football, and in the field of media. He has received numerous awards and medals in recognition of his sincere efforts.
Book: Watan Min Zhahab (A Homeland Made of Gold)
Publisher: The National Archives, Abu Dhabi, 2021, first edition, 460 large-size pages.
Author: Muhammad Al Joker

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